Kabbalah's Secrets
"Sefer Yetzirah" Links
Bob Zucker's study on "Sefer Yetzirah"
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These pages are from the new book on the legends and history of the Kabbalah and the Ushabti, Kabbalah's Secret Circles,
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- These sites have links to Bob's "Sefer Yetzirah" site:
Kabalah Links
Kabbalah Society: http://www.kabbalahsociety.org/
Mirach Home of the Practical Kabbalist: http://www.mirach.org.uk/index.html
Other Sefer Yetzirah Links:
Notes on the Study of Early Kabbalah in English Don Karr [View as HTML]: www.digital-brilliance.com/kab/karr/syie.pdf
spears of shiva [Translate this page]
Yetsiratic Magic/ Jacobs Wheel: http://members.fortunecity.com/patrickm/231gatesmain.htm
Yetsiratic Magic: Divination: http://members.fortunecity.com/patrickm/231divination.htm
Sefer Yetsirah and Cube of Space: http://www.psyche.com/psyche/cube/cube_tarot12.html
Sephardicsages.org (Ssaadia ben Joseph): http://www.sephardicsages.org/SEFER-YETZIRAH.html
Soshana Tekhelte: http://www.koshertorah.com/treeknowledge.html
Abulafia, Abraham
Baeck, Leo
Leo Baeck's Commentary: http://www.wbenjamin.org/baeck.html
Blumenthal, David
Commentary by Dr. David Blumenthal
Commentary from sy231theory.com
Servants Of the Light: Commentary on SY
Gabirol, Solomon Ibn
Selected Poems translated by Peter Cole (pdf file): pup.princeton.edu/chapters/s6933.pdf
Theosophy Online: http://theosophy.org/tlodocs/teachers/SolomonIbnGabirol.htm
Life and Works: http://www.kabbalahsociety.org/papers/shahaf1.htm
Hagel, GWF
On Kabbalah and Gnosticism: http://www.wbenjamin.org/hegel_kabbalah.html
Kaplan, Ariyeh
Azamra: Sepher Yetsira & Kaplan's Commentary
Sefer Yetzirah: Kaplan's Gra Version
Sefer Yetzirah: Short Version (Kaplan)
Sefer Yetzirah: GRA trans. Aryeh Kaplan
Luria, Isaac
Kabbalah Home Page of the Bnei Baruch
Lone Star Kabbala
Saadia Ben Joseph Gaon (882-942)
from Sepharidcsages.org: http://www.sephardicsages.org/saaida.html
Sefer Yetzirah and Excerpts from Saadia's Commentary
Saadia's commentary on Sefer Yetzirah: http://www.wbenjamin.org/saadia.html
Scholem, Gershom
Sepher Yetsira w/Commentary by G. Scholem
The Sefer Yetzirah: G. Scholem Translation
Suares, Carlos
Tzadok, Ariel Bar R.
Torat HaKabbalah, The Teachings of the Kabbalah: www.green-rings.net/frosty/library/jewish%2520literature/books
Westcott , W. Wynn (1887)
Westcott Sepher Yetsira
Westcott S.Y.
Sepher Yetzira (Westcott w/introduction)
Westcott Sepher Yetsira
Hebrew Texts
Sepher Yetzirah: Gra in Hebrew
Sepher Yezira: Hebrew Text w/comments
Other Resources
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ® / Sepher Yetsirah
Doron Zeilberger: Proof of the Alternating Sign (pdf)
Benton's Sepher Yetsira Commentary
Wernick: Critical Analysis of the Book of Abraham
SEFER YETZIRAH Bibliography by William Benjamin
Don Karr: Notes of Editions of the Sefer Yetzirah (pdf)
Brian Pivak: The Sepher Yetzirah231 Gates
Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Formation)
Bryan G Dobbs: Commentary on the Yetzirah: Theory
Z'EV Projects - Sefer Yetzirah
As Above, So Below: http://www.gweep.net/~h/old_pages/sefirot.htm
Donash version
Work of the Chariot: SY
The book of Creation (short version)
231 gates of wisdom
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