Arizona Health Phoenix Tucson


Arizona’s 2021 hands-off law demands public’s attention

Arizona Motorcycle & Safety Awareness Foundation updates the need to reduce distracted driving in the state

Arizona’s new cell phone law, Hands-Off, was put into place in 2021.

Arizona Motorcycle & Safety Awareness Foundation (AMSAF), a leading Arizona voice on the subjects of distracted driving and motorcycle training, says people need to know, understand and obey this important law because the numbers continue to rise, especially with the intense influx of people moving to Arizona from throughout the country.

“It is illegal in Arizona to talk or text on a cell phone while driving unless it is in hands-free mode,” says Mick Degn, executive director for AMSAF. “

According to the National Safety Council, distracted driving is the cause of one out of every 10 fatal accidents and results in more than 700 injuries everyday.

Degn says the law, which took effect in January 2021, prohibits the following while driving:

• making or answering a call directly on the device

• sending reading text or viewing internet data

• holding or supporting a phone with your body

• reading, writing or sending a message via any portable wireless communication device

• scrolling through social media, watching videos, recording videos, or any other use of the device that causes a distraction and requires use of the body

“Cell phones and devices must be in hands-free mode while driving,” adds Degn. “One cannot use any device or cell phone that can cause a distraction while driving. No holding of a device or cell phone in hands or perched on a shoulder or leg while driving either (House Bill 2318). These devices include cell phones, tablets, gaming and music devices. Arizona’s new statewide ban replaces 26 different local ordinances.”

Arizona’s Hands-Off law allows for the following:

• one can engage or disengage a function on the device such as a GPS route start

• individuals can talk on a portable wireless communication device with an earpiece, headphone device or device worn on the wrist to conduct a voice-based communication

• one can use a device for navigation of the vehicle

• people can use a device in an emergency situation to summon help or report a crime

 “Know the law, tell your friends and save a life,” says Mick Degn, AMSAF’s executive director.

Exceptions to the law include emergency responders, people in an emergency situation or alerting first responders to an emergency situation or crime. In addition, the law does not apply to radios, citizen band radios, citizens band radio hybrids, commercial two-way radios, subscription-based emergency communication devices, prescribed medical devices, amateur or ham radio devices or in-vehicle security, navigation or remote diagnostics systems.

Degn says the one thing that has assisted 11-year-old AMSAF’s growth on the subject is its strong core of leaders, volunteers, business and civic leaders who see the need for change and AMSAF’s role in outreach to the public.

“We are blessed to have been so successful to date and look forward to garnering even more support as we work diligently to save lives on our roadways,” adds Degn.

AMSAF’s mission is to promote safety and awareness and reduce crashes and fatalities. The organization is located in Peoria, Ariz.

CONTACT: Mick Degn/888.951.3731

Fran Booth, ABC/602.400.3330

Posted by The Entertainment Magazine.
Arizona Health Phoenix

Accident scene experts teach how to reduce injuries and fatalities at the scene of a crash

Accident scene experts teaching riders, the public, how to reduce injuries and fatalities at the scene of a crash

January 30, 2023, Peoria, Arizona – A group of medical and nursing professionals who also ride motorcycles is offering classes to teach others what they can do to help at the scene of a motorcycle crash.

Arizona Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Foundation (AMSAF) has partnered with Accident Scene Management (ASM), DBA Road Guardians, the most recognized motorcycle trauma training organization in the world. 

Critical skills such as moving the injured, helmet removal, rescue breathing and tourniquets, all are demonstrated and practiced. 

“The key to reducing motorcyclist injuries and fatalities is education,” says Teresa Martinez lead instructor for ACM.

“All of our instructors are medics or nurses and ride motorcycles,” adds Martinez. “I have taught this curriculum for 13 years and my background is pre-hospital, ED and trauma as well as serving as a trauma nurse core course Instructor. I have ridden for more than 30 years and encountered several roadside accidents. This curriculum provides crucial life saving information for non-medical trained civilians to get the ball rolling until emergency medical services arrives. We also cover Good Samaritan laws and legalities of helping at the scene. These courses offer more than basic CPR and first aid as they are motorcycle trauma specific and enhance all basic first responder education.”

“Since the beginning, AMSAF has believed in education,” says Mick Degn, executive director for AMSAF. “We began with motorcycle training, then helmet use and now accident scene management education. These programs are made possible due to grants, sponsors, donations and other partners who want to help reduce crashes and fatalities in Arizona. 

AMSAF, a 501c(3) non-profit organization, works with the State of Arizona, business partners and sponsors including local businesses, healthcare, police departments, insurance, legal and other prominent entities and individuals, to help decrease the number of distracted and DUI-impaired drivers and to provide scholarships, statewide, to train motorcyclists how to ride more defensively. Our overall mission is safety awareness to reduce the phenomenal number of crashes and fatalities on our roadways.

CONTACT: Fran Booth, ABC/602.400.3330

Posted by Entertainment Magazine
Celebrities Health

Former Latin Grammy Executive Director Needs A Lifesaving Kidney Transplant.  Can You Help Him?


Paul Dooley CEO and Founder of the 501c3 nonprofit organization said “Sergio, a 70-year-old Former Latin Grammy Executive Director needs a lifesaving kidney donor ASAP.

Though he is a giant in the Latin Music Industry, working with Julio Iglesias, Ricky Martin, Gloria Estefan, Luis Miguel, Don Francisco, and many others, Sergio humbly describes himself on as “I am a father of 5 and also a grandfather (Zeide) to 4 adorable little ones, who currently live in Georgia. I have been with my wife for 25 years. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and came to the U.S. at a very young age. I live in South Florida now.”  We have an urgent plea for people to register as kidney donors on to see if they are a match to help save Sergio.”

Here is Sergio’s Wikipedia page that has a very interesting complete bio on Sergio

In the United States Hispanic/Latino patients with end-stage renal disease are disproportionately less likely to get a kidney transplant on the government’s organ transplant list, and specifically, a living donor kidney transplant (LDKT); fewer Hispanics received a LDKT than non-Hispanic whites 4% versus 10%. compared to non-Hispanic whites.

Sergio, Paul Dooley and many of our other patients and donors are also willing to be interviewed by the press. Please contact me for their contact information by calling Paul Dooley at or call 781-821-2204 ext. 1. 

Posted by Entertainment Magazine