"Country Music Weekly" seeks National Focus Group

Participate In National Focus Group Research National Focus Group

On behalf of the entire staff of COUNTRY WEEKLY magazine, I would like to invite you to participate in what may well be the FIRST electronic nationwide focus group.

COUNTRY WEEKLY has been publishing for one year and, like any growing operation, it's time to take a look at how we're doing, where we could do better, what additional services we could provide our readers. And the best way to gather that information is to talk to COUNTRY fans even if you've never seen a single issue of the magazine.

If you will take the time to participate in this unprecedented focus group, I will send you a three month FREE subscription to COUNTRY WEEKLY. No strings.

What I need to know is what you REALLY (FLAME ON!) think about the magazine -- flat out, no holds barred, anything goes. I will send you a couple of copies to review along with some suggested areas that I need specific information on. Of course, you'll be able to review the entire magazine and write whatever you honestly feel.

So, here's how it will work:
1. E-mail me with your snail-mail address so I can send you some review copies.
2. After you've reviewed the magazines, E-mail me with your responses, comments, suggestions and observations.
3. Your FREE subscription will be processed once I've received your reviews.

That's it, nothing complicated.

If you have any questions, drop me an E-mail query at jpolicy@cerf.net or call COUNTRY WEEKLY MAGAZINE, (407) 540-1002.

Thanks for you help and for being part of an innovative experiment.

Joe Policy (27 April 1995)

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