Entertainment Magazine: Galacia: Galicia European Jewish Galicia
Galicia is generally the eastern half of the former Austrian province of Galacia (Galizien). This eastern portion was predominately Jewish, while the western part was more Polish. During the Austrian period (1772-1918) it was known as East Galicia (Ost-Galizien, Skhidna Halychyna and Galicja Wschodnia). The term Galicia and Galacia is often interchanged. For purposes on this web site, the spelling for Galicia is for the European pronounciaton and Galacia for the Spanish locale. The Galacia region in Spain shares a similar name. The only connection may be that the decendants of Spanish Galacia renamed their new homeland in the Austria-region as Galicia. Included on this page are collections of links that are relevant to tourism and genealogy in Galicia. Resources courtesy of Robert Zucker, a Galician descendent.
Galicia Genealogy
History of Galicia and historical records online
Polish Galicia
Lviv (Lemberg)
Bolechow, AustriaBolechow (in German and Polish), ("Bolekhov" in Yiddish), ("Bolekhiv" in Ukranian), (other spellings: Boletrov, Bolihov, Bolechov) is southeast of Lemberg (L'viv), a mecca for Jews in the area. Several books references to Bolechow, Lemberg and Galicia are found below. Lattitude/Longitude: 49°04´/23°52´
Traveling to Bolechov:
History and Research:Jewish History in Galicia and Bukovina. Photographs of Bolechow were made by Dr. Vladimir Levin in August 2009, during the expedition to the Ivano-Frankivsk region. http://www.jewishgalicia.net/Gallery/Bolechow.aspx
Bolechov Research Summary from jewishgen.org. Photos, map, research and related links: http://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/Bolekhov/index.htm http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/Bolekhov/res_sum.html History of the Jews in Bolechov at the end of the 18th Century Holocaust Museum Memorial Book Collection Surnames of residents of Bolechow and Galicia, (FEEHS database) Warsaw Voice: buses made in Bolechow 1/14/96 Deportations to Belzec with mention of Bolechow Cemetary Project of JewishGen listing and description of Bolekhov Bolechov Jewish Cemetaries http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/Bolekhov/cemetary-1.htm Smon Wisenthal Center Info on Belochov: http://motlc.learningcenter.wiesenthal.org/text/x03/xm0397.html A Krakow Zucker Family Tree: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~dan/genealogy/Krakow/Families/Zucker.html Yizkor Books on Bolechow
Yizkor Books in the Holocaust Center of Northern California UCLA Library Eastern European Yizkor Books "Bolekov Yizkor Book" from JewishGen Memorial book of the martyrs of Bolechow Bolekhov (Bolechów), Ukraine, Translation of Sefer ha-zikaron le-kedoshei Bolechow. Edited by: Y. Eshel. Published by the Association of Former Residents of Bolechow in Israel, 1957 Bolekhov Yizkor Book The Miriam Weiner Roads to Roots Fondation database http://www.rtrfoundation.org/ Books on Bolechow:
Bolekhiv, UkraineThe Ivano-Frankivsk region is situated in the southwest of Ukraine on the border of two natural geographical areas: East-European Plain and Ukrainian Carpathian. The region borders on the Lviv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and Zacarpattia regions, Republic of Romania. From Ivano-Frankivsk Facts and Figures: http://www.ukrainebiz.com/Articles/IvanoFacts.htm Encylopedia of Ukraine: Bolekhiv http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/mapsDisplay.asp?linkpath=IV-4z.jpg&varName=Bolekhiv&varLeft=38&varTop=93&Obl=Ivano-Frankivske Ukraine GenWeb: Ivano-Frankivs'ka Oblast Church and Civil Records locations: http://www.rootsweb.com/~ukrwgw/ivano/ivanorecords.htm
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