Teen On-Line
Teen On-Line is the
electronic version of one of the nation's earliest newspapers
for and by young people in the United States.
- In 1977, the publication was called "Youth
Awareness Press." The newspaper provided Tucson, Arizona
youth with a medium to communicate with their peers and an opportunity
for young journalists to publish their work. It was sponsored
by the Tucson YWCA, with the support of the United Way of Greater
Tucson and other funding sources and non profit organizations,
schools and the courts.
- High school students worked on the staff
as reporters, editors and artists. One grant, enabled schools
throughout Tucson to provide space for newspaper satelite offices
where students would gather to prepare copy and report from their
campus. The juvenile court referred offenders for community service
work with the publication. They gained skills learning to write
for a newspaper.
- In the early-1980's, grant funding also
provided support to produce youth cable television programming,
a radio show series and special editions. Fundraising events
included concerts, discos at schools, movie screenings and nightclub
sponsored teen nights.
- In 1982, the newwspaper changed it's name
to "Tucson Teen" when grant funding was being reduced
nationwide. Advertising sales from local and national businesses
help continue the publication. It also spawned "The Entertainment
Magazine" in the mid-1980's.
- In October 1995, Tucson Teen went electronic
and merged with its sister publication EMOL.org
(Entertainment Magazine On-Line) to share cyberspace.
- Publisher Robert
Zucker started Tucson Teen newspaper and journalism program
in 1977 through the Tucson YWCA with funding from the United
Way of Greater Tucson, City of Tucson and Pima County Juvenile
Justice Collaboration.
- This cyber-edition revives the Tucson
Teen as an electronic communicator for youth round the world.
Teen On-Line is published through SAI,
Inc., a non-profit, tax-exempt Arizona corporation. Donations
are accepted to continue this project.
Return to Teen On
Line Home Page
Contact Teen On-Line
- Freelance:
Teens interested in becoming a contributing on-line reporter,
can contact teenreporter@emol.org
Commercial links
(businesses selling products) to Tucson Teen On Line are charged
at $5 a month for 6 mos. at a time. There is no charge for teenagers
personal home pages to be linked to Teen On-Line. Commercial
and personal home pages can be produced very inexpensively
and linked to TOL. To contact our production department: teenproduction@emol.org
- S-mail:
- P.O. Box 3355, Tucson, Arizona, USA 85722
- Voice: 520/623-3733
E-Mail: teenonline@emol.org
Tucson Teen
Web: http://emol.org/teenonline/
Robert E. Zucker
Produced by