Entertainment Magazine: Arizona:
Renaissance Festival

Weather at the Arizona Renaissance Festival

Desert weather conditions can change dramatically during the day in the desert, especially in the area between Phoenix and Tucson. However, the AZ Renaissance Festival is held rain or shine.

Since the Arizona Renaissance Festival is just east of Phoenix and north of Tucson, AZ. it isn't difficult to find.

The Renaissance Festival is located near Apache Junction, in the foothills of the Superstition Mountains on State Highway 60, east of Apache Junction, just east of Gold Canyon Golf Resort. Get more information with the AZ Ren Festival FAQ.

This weather report, with expected temperatures and maps, is updated every time your browser page is refreshed. Weather reports for Apache Junction and the Arizona Renaissance Festival are courtesy of weatherwidget.io.


More about the Arizona Renaissance Festival


Entertainment Book

Treasures of Santa Catalina Mountains                            by Robert Zucker

Learn about the legends and history of the Santa Catalina Mountains

Discover the lost legends and forgotten history of the Santa Catalina Mountains near Tucson- the Iron Door Mine, Buffalo Bill Cody and his gold mine, the founding of Oracle and its mining history, and the Tucson Gold Rush. Read sample chapters from the new book and download a free PDF sample of "Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains."

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