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Download FREE sample PDFs of locally published Tucson, Arizona books from BZB Publishing.
BZB Books include a wide range of topics from the Old Wild West,
Arizona history and legends, Tucson entertainment and music history, and
even metaphysical subjects.
Free PDF samples of the books are available to
download. Full paperback books are available at a discount on
and digitally on Kindle. Additional book titles are in preparation and
will be announced here.
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of the current catalog edition
of Arizona Bookshelf.
Tucson Author Index
Download Free Book Samples
"Entertaining Tucson Across the Decades"
Robert E. Zucker (3 volume set). Covers 50 years of Tucson music and
entertainment between the 1950s into the 2000s. Interviews, original
photographs of thousands of entertainers and hundreds of bands in the
local Tucson, Arizona entertainment scene. All three volumes contain
more than 700 pages and an extensive index of names. A portion of sales is donated to the Tucson Musician Museum.
"The Whole Enchilada- The History of Desert Rock, Tucson, Arizona 1978-1994"
From the mind of Rich Hopkins, co-founder and guitarist of the
Sidewinders/Sand Rubies, one of Arizona’s most accomplished rock‘n’roll
exports, comes "THE WHOLE ENCHILADA- The History of Desert Rock
1976-1994." Accompanying the three-record set is a 70-page companion book with
rare photos, obscure histories and anecdotes, and dozens of biographical
essays by many of the artists themselves and others by named writers,
journalists, photographers and deejays, placing the reader centerstage
at Desert Rock’s halcyon days.
"Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains"
Robert E. Zucker, collaborated with Flint Carter. Legends of the lost
Iron Door Mine, a lost city and a lost mission in the Santa Catalina
Mountains, north of Tucson, Arizona. The story of mining and Buffalo
Bill Cody in Oracle. 435 pages.
"Kabbalah's Secret Circles"
Robert E. Zucker. Discover the hidden world of Jewish mysticism over
the centuries, follow the development of the Sefer Yetzirah, Book of
Creation and devise your own Kabbalah Wheel to permutate the 231 Gates.
"Searching for Arizona's Buried Treasures"
Mr. Ron Quinn. Treasure hunting in Southern Arizona, four friends
unearth a medium-size treasure south of Tucson, Arizona, which consisted
of 82 pounds of Spanish gold bullion. Ron passed away in August 2016.
New Book to Come: "Print to Pixels"
By Robert E. Zucker. The
background story to publishing the first youth-produced newspaper in
Tucson, Arizona from 1979 through 1995- Youth Alternatives, Youth
Awareness Press, The Magazine, The Entertainment Magazine to
(Entertainment Magazine On Line). Publication date: 2025.
"Canyon of Gold, Buffalo Bill & The Legendary Iron Door Mine Treasure"
By William "Flint" Carter.
Follow the decades-long effort by "The General" Flint Carter to prospect and mine the
Cañada del Oro (Canyon of Gold) in the Santa Catalina Mountains for
silver and gold.
"Mysterious Disappearances "
Ron Quinn. This is a collection of stories about odd and unusual
occurrences, disappearing circumstances, sightings of little people,
very strange and unexplained tales, and other mysterious phenomenon.
"Twilight of Consciousness
By Robert E. Zucker. Learn how to achieve dream awareness and astral projection experiences with simple, easy to follow, techniques. Now available.
"Traveling Show "
By Robert E. Zucker. The
Traveling Show is a collection of poems and artwork that ravels
together a storyline of the lives of the people who pass through one’s
Tucson Entertainment Book

The Entertainment Book for Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona is available online exclusively. Check for this week's special offers. Check out the New Entertainment Book Now!
Download Free Comic Books
James Babcock has been
drawing comic books in Tucson for decades. He got his publishing start
with the Youth Awareness Press, Tucson Teen and Magazine newspapers.
Read an download free PDF comic cartoons, drawn by James Babcock and Richard Konkle, former staff of the Tucson Teen and Entertainment Magazine.
Author Available to Share Legends and History
Robert Zucker, author of
"Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains" and other books is available
to speak to your group or organization about the history and legends of
the Catalina Mountains, including a presentation on the famous Iron
Door Mine legend of the Santa Catalinas. Also, Robert can make
presentations on local Tucson entertainment history, dreams and astral
projection. To arrange a presentation book talk, call 520-623-3733 or
Other Book Titles
Contact Publisher and Purchase Options
The above books are all available on in paperback and Kindle formats. Print copies are also
available to order online through Barnes & Noble and If
purchasing on online is
not an option, there are several other ways to buy copies:
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