Flint Carter is a lontime Southern Arizona resident who has explored the caves and mountains of the Catalinas for decades.
His skills as a miner and a jeweler is also displayed in his original southwestern art work.
Flint is also available for talks
and presentations on the Southwest, Tucson-area mining, the Iron Door
Mine and legends of the Old West.
These are just a few examples of Flint Carter's Southwestern art work.
Call Flint at 520-289-4566 for more information about viewing and purchasing his art or scheduling a speaking engagement.
"Turquoise Cow Skull" made with
Turquoise, Chrysocola, Azurite, Sterling Silver Horn Bands mined by the
artists Flint Carter. One of a kind made with local stones, $1,000.
Extremely rare serpentine with
white quartz, gold, silver and copper ores from the mines within Tucson,
Arizona's Mty. Lemmon- the origin of the "mine with the Iron Door" legend? Both pieces shown arfe 30 lbs. approximately.
These specimens are cradled in
deerskin, mounted on acnient saguaro cacti bases. This unqiue,
one-of-a-kind set of two is priced at $70,000. Call Flint at
520-289-4566 for more.
Jewelry From Flint Carter
Exclusively from Southern Arizona
Cody Stone is from Southern
Arizona, USA and designed as jewelry grade gold and silver in quartz.
Cody stone specimens and hand made items are on display at the Oracle
Inn Steakhouse & Saloon in Oracle, Arizona. Call Flint at
520-289-4566 or email finder@emol.org. Mention the Iron Door web site.
See more Southwestern Jewelry Grade Gold and Silver in Quartz by Flint Carter.
Flint Carter Paintings into Greeting Cards
Flint Carter has redesigned his most popular paintings into greeting cards or prints.
These southwestern greeting cards are
available for sale at only $10.00 each. Flint's bio is inscribed on the
back of the card. Order several cards for framing or gifts. Call Flint at 520-289-4566 and ask about discounts and international shipping.

Flint Carter Paintings available
All of Flint Carter's original Southwest paintings are available for sale. Call
Flint at 520-289-4566 to find out about discounts and international
shipping. Call Flint at 520-289-4566 for more information.
Southwest Art Descriptions
Top Left: "White Bear" Top Middle: "Mayan Rainbow"
2nd Left: "I Told You" 2nd Right: "To Crow About"
3rd Lefdt: "Geronimo" 3rd Middle: "Gold"
4th Left: "Warrior"
4th Right: "Buffalo Ghost"
5th Right "Serpent Girl"
Bids being accepted. Autograph copies available