Entertainment Magazine: Flint Carter

Farewell William "Flint" Carter

Video of the Funeral Service


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William "Flint" Carter, passed away in December 2018. Flint was a seasoned prospector who had dozens of mining claims in the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson, Arizona. After forty years, Carter knew all about the mountains, its legends (like the Iron Door Mine), and its precious minerals (like Cody Stone).

A funeral service for Flint Carter was held on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at Adair Funeral Home, 8090 N. Northern Avenue (north of Magee) at 7:00am. A full-military burial, last call and flyover, followed at the Veteran's Memorial Cemetary in Marana, Arizona at 10am where is is interred.

William Flint Carter

William Thomas "Flint" Carter passed away
on December 19, 2018.

Before his death, Flint was able to compile his experiences and knowledge about the Santa Catalina Mountains in The Canyon of Gold, Buffalo Bill Cody, and the Legendary Iron Door Mine Treasure.Flint Carter He also collaborated with author Robert Zucker with "Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains." Both books are available on Amazon.com. Both Flint and Robert were starting work on an another book about the legends and history of the Catalina Mountains. "Tucson Gold Rush" is still planned for publication. For more information, contact publisher@emol.org or call Bob at 520-623-3733.

Autobiographic book by Flint Carter

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