Entertainment Magazine: Home Improvement: Kitchens: Redesigning your Kitchen Redesign your kitchen counter tops
Kitchen counter tops can be refinished with wooden or veneered doors. It can make a kitchen look entirely different when used in conjunction with new drapes, redecoration, and new flooring. By refacing the kitchen counter tops, you can retain the framework of the kitchen cabinets. The cost of the counters are reduced when they are refaced instead of replaced. The labor necessary to renovate the kitchen is much less than a total refit. Many New Options for Counter topsIf you chose to replace your old counter top with a new one, there are almost a dozen options available. Each choice requires considerations on its use and care. Counter tops are usually priced by the square foot. Prices can range from $10-20 per square foot, installed, for laminate counters to more than $150 for stainless steel. The most popular chosen by Consumer Reports (August 2006) is Quartz.
The CR article advises to consider your lifestyle (lots of kids? Don't get butcher block!). The articles describes pros and cons of each type of counter. Granite, quartz and laminate samples may not always match store samples, for example. Many are prone to chipping, especially on the edges. Some need periodic sealing, some grout stains easiers than others, and, of course, most scratch easy. Kitchen Remodeling Index | Home Improvement IndexEntertainment Magazine Home Page© 2007-2012 EMOL.org. Home Improvement Entertainment Magazine. All rights reserved. |