Are you

Anyone who is an "otaku" about Jewish Japanese people is very rare.

It is more rare to find a person who is Japanese and Jewish- or wants to be.

If you have a story to share or want to make contact with another JJ otaku, email the publisher, Bob Zucker.

While I am not Japanese, I am Jewish and have a strong interest in learning more. I hope to meet others who share similar interests. Visit my home page.

Japan Nihongo Resources
Jewish Resources

Japanese-Jewish Web Links
Link between Israel to Japan

Jewish Japanese and Japanese Jews
brothers and sisters?

There are documented links between Judaism and Japanese people with several cultural similarities.

Some researchers claim of connections that date hundreds and, even thousands of years ago, back to Moses.

A Jewish-Japanese link is found in many parts of Japanese culture. Marriage between men and women of both Nihongo and Judaic cultures is rare, but not unusual.

Photo: A Japanese Jewish rabbi at a temple in Tokyo, Japan

Japanese Jewish Web Links

The Ark of the Covenant of Israel and the Omikoshi ark of Japan

soc.culture.jewish FAQ from Japan

"World of Hebrew and Jewish Language" by Tsuguya Sasaki

Japanese Views of Religion By Eido Tai Shimano

Tsuguya Sasaki's Jewish Cyberia

AJET Jewish Network, Jews living in Japan

The Single Jewish Traveler in Japan

Jewish Communities of Japan from Amyisrael

The Jews of Japan from

Jewish Communities

Japanese museum teaches about Shoah

Israelites Came to Ancient Japan - Excellent Resource

The Japanese: Descendants of one of the Ten Lost Tribes?

Japanese-Jews: Same Ancestor Theory

Ten Commandments of Moses

Jewish Samurai story

Japanese -Jewish Home Page

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