Intra Meridian

Windsor, Ontario Canada

Photo left: Justin Raisbeck; (below) Nate Gignac from Twisters, Feb. 2006.

Function: prefix
1: within <intrastate>
2: during <intraday>

me·rid·i·an ·
The highest point or stage of development; peak:"Men come to their meridian at various periods of their lives"

Seldom does harmony and alternative rock unite with explosive meanings, yearing to find a place of acceptance. Thankfully, Justin Raisbeck and company believe in more then acceptance - a desire to manifest their thoughts in ways that each individual can interpret in a form that is unique to them self. These ideas are what have triggered Intra Meridian to prove to themselves and their critics that they are no longer a basement band.

Three contrasting backgrounds, bring three distinctive ideas to the forefront of this talented group. With a background and degree in Performing Arts, Justin Raisbeck has shown success with live theatre, while Brian Jacques spends his days as a business student and working full-time at night. As for Nate Gignac, a certified skilled tradesman, as well as a fully trained Fire Fighter - his true passion, like the rest of the band, is music.

Intra Meridian has hammered out a sound both unique but curiously familiar. With the creation happening in 2001, this trio has grown as individuals and together as one.

With nothing but a hallay filled with doors, Intra Meridian is eager to see which one will open next!

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