Interview and concert photos (except first one) by Tracie Reed
Soulfly visited Downtown Tucson, Arizona at the old historical Rialto Theatre on May 22nd 2003 by Pro Motion. (Photo to right provided by record label).
Soulfly rocked the night with their great heavy music sound. Before the band came on stage, there were three opening groups. During their performances, fans anxiously waited for Soulfly by yelling and chanting out their name to come out on stage.
When it was time
for the fans' favorite band to come out, they gave out loud cheerful
During one of the songs Soulfly performed, I watched in amazement how they had five people pounding on drums at the same time. Their drummer, Roy Mayorga, was in the back with one person popping up now and then to pound on some of the cymbals behind him.
Max Cavalera, the lead singer and guitarist, along with bass player Marcello Diaz and the other guitarist, Mikey Doling, all would be pounding on huge timpani's as they walked out onto the stage.
It was a great sight and sound for Tucson to experience from a heavy metal band. I would have had some pictures to show you of them playing the drums but, I was limited to take pictures during the first two songs only.
I managed to get some great shots to show you of them performing the beginning of their show. For this Brazilian Heavy metal band, I say they really know how to rock a different sound and put on a pleasing show!
I asked Max Cavalera some questions. Do enjoy reading them!
TR- What age did you
start playing guitar?
Max- About 13. Maybe it was 14.
TR- What kind of guitar was that?
Max- It was Brazilian. That's where I'm from- Brazil. At that time it was a copy. Maybe a cheap version of Fender Stratocaster. Brazilian model though. Cheap!
TR- I'm sure you were happy about it though.
Max- Yeah! I was happy even though it wasn't that good of a guitar. Compared to American guitars and stuff. But it did the job.
TR- Did you take lessons or did you teach yourself?
Max- I took two weeks of lessons. I tried to. But I didn't like it. Because the guy tried to teach me Brazilian music and I wanted to learn rock music. I didn't like it. Then I just decided to start playing with the albums and tried to figure out the songs which took a longer time, but I think it was better.
TR- How many guitars do you own now do you think?
Max- Not very many. I don't collect guitars really. Like some people, they're collectors. I just use them as necessary as much as I need for just the live performance. I have one guitar for writing stuff.
TR- Like an acoustic?
Max- Yeah! I have one acoustic and I have a regular one ESP. That's the guitar I use. I have about probably 10 ESP guitars. They are custom made. Those are the ones I use live.
TR- Who or what inspired
you to become a musician?
Max- Queen was the first group I saw. I really liked them. They played in Brazil in the beginning of the eighties. I can't remember the year. But I thought that they were really cool. After that I got into Van Halen, Kiss and within time, it got heavier and heavier. Slayer and so on. And then, hard core. Then, I started to do some different stuff- Reggae Bob Marley, Decadance and Peter Gabriel, the Clash. Just different stuff.