Entertainment Magazine: Books: Mysterious Disappearances These pages are extracts from Ron Quinn's book "Mysterious Disappearances" available on Amazon.com Treasure hunter and author Ron Quinn
Ron Quinn has been a prolific writer of treasure hunting and paranormal stories for more than fifty years. He is also the author of “Little People” (Galde Press) and “Searching for Arizona’s Buried Treasures” (BZB Publishing). Ron, who was born in New York, had his own encounters with little people and discoveries of buried treasures. After his military release in 1955, he spent two years treasure hunting in Southern Arizona with his brother Chuck and friends, Walter Fisher and Roy Purdie where they uncovered 82 pounds of Spanish gold bars. Ron eventually settled in Tucson, Arizona in 1970 and opened Aztec Film Productions with his brother and produced local TV commercials, travelogues and medical training films. Ron’s great sense of humor is reflected in his stories and especially his cartoons. Ron is also the author of "Searching for Arizona's Buried Treasures" and "Little People." Now available from Amazon
Mysterious Disappearances
By Ron Quinn Paperback: 202 pages Other Books