Travel: News: StaycationWith Soaring Gas Prices, 'Stay-cation' Replaces VacationSurvey: Many Americans Say Leisure Travel Isn't All They're Curtailing mOther Sacrifices: Dining-Out, 'Fancy Coffee Drinks.' Some Vow To Quit SmokingRecord prices at the pump are forcing frugal choices, according to a poll by The grassroots public opinion web site asked: "With the cost of gasoline - - and almost everything else -- rising lately, what are you now DOING WITHOUT? What have you stopped buying or stopped doing entirely to save money?" Cash-strapped consumers say they're planning a stay-at-home Summer, and responses suggest that vacation isn't the only way they're trimming travel expense:
2008 could be a tough Summer for restaurants:
Other cutbacks:
Tough choices: "health insurance."
Silver lining? Some cutbacks are healthy choices:
About the staycaton survey: conducted an online poll of 546 adults, age 18-64, approximately 50/50 male/female, evenly-distributed across the USA. The survey was fielded May 5-11, 2008. Related link: Source:
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