Entertainment Magazine
Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains

1887: Drachman’s “Chunks of Gold”

By Robert Zucker

NOW Available on Amazon.com

Written by Robert Zucker
Collaborated with William Carter.

The detailed history and legends of the Catalinas is told in a 400-page paperback. Buy "Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains" online for a discount at amazon.com, at CreateSpace eStore, or locally in Tucson at Mostly Books, Oracle Inn, Buzz Café and other locations to be announced. Kindle: Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains

Even prospectors had a sense of humor. In 1887 a group who returned from the Santa Catalina Mountains reported a huge gold find. They flashed specimens to convince the skeptics.

Their route from Pueblo Viejo (presumably the old Romero Ruin in Catalina State Park) took them through the Cańada del Oro and into the middle of the mountains. They wound through the canyon that opened into a large valley where,

“… on one side of which they discovered, under the over hanging rock, a vein of reddish decomposed quartz, full of gold. Some pieces were as large as one’s open hand, and every specimen found was inscribed on one side, “always buy your cigars at Sam Drachman’s, Tucson.” [1]

Samuel Drachman was the owner of Arizona’s oldest local cigar store, opened in 1874 in downtown Tucson. [2]

[1] Arizona Weekly Citizen, Tucson, A.T. March 12, 1887. Editor’s Note: Sam Drachman was an early Tucson pioneer and merchant.

[2] “Drachman cigar store, oldest in state, was sold,” The Arizona Daily Star. February 2, 1912.

Buy "Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains"

Print: Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains

Kindle: Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains: Unraveling the Legends and History

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Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains

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