Kabbalah: Twilight of Consciousness Astral Projection Articles Part 1"Twilight of Consciousness," by publisher and author Robert E. Zucker examines the dream state and how to achieve astral projection using simple, easy to follow, techniques.
Have you ever suddenly awakened from a vivid dream with an incredibly strong feeling that only a few moments ago you were involved in some bizarre activity in some distant land? In a moments’ flash, you become transported from this strange place into a surprised wakefulness. The sensation and vague images of this and other worlds left behind may still remain, leaving you possibly quite perplexed and mystified. Many people just pass it off as a dream. Or, was it a dream? When we are in the midst of a nights’ sleep, our mind evokes a certain state of consciousness that still defies scientific explanation. A montage of images, sounds and sensations some people call dreams and other worship as visions appear out of the depths of our brains. Occultists and the psychics refer to this “place” as the Astral Plane. We visit the Astral every night while asleep and remember our experiences as dreams after we awake. Most of us, unfortunately, are swept across the Astral Plane unaware of anything between falling asleep and waking up. As soon as the morning alarm jolts us into wakefulness the rushing of thoughts and concerns for the coming day turn an evening of bizarre adventures into a confused, often fragmented, series of hazy memories. The Astral becomes a nighttime world covered over by the veils of sleep and quickly slips away from consciousness. While we are dreaming, we hardly ever think about the things we’re doing and seeing in this strange world within our minds. We become completely engrossed with acting out a kaleidoscope of situations. We fail to realize we are in a different place than in the working world. A dozen elephants could be roller backwards down a freeway and this scene may not even phase the unaware dreamer. The dream would be less likely remembered after waking. The Astral becomes lost in a dream. Have you ever dreamed that you are dreaming? A sudden flash of awareness may come over you, during the flow of a dream, and bring up on the realization that you were dreaming... while the dream is unfolding at around you. That overwhelming excitement may have abruptly awakened you, leaving the unique sensation of being in some other environment far removed from your bed and sleeping body. This realization of being in a dream while the dream is occurring is known as conscious-dreaming, or lucid dreaming. The dreamer as “awakened” to the dream and stepped into the Astral. Becoming aware of yourself and your surroundings while you were dreaming changes the quality of the ordinary dream. No longer does the dream seem like a staged television production or surreal movie. And empathetic feeling emerges towards the dream. It is felt as being an actual experience rather than an elusive the flow of meaningless images. Once the thought comes to you that you are having a dream, you have access to supernatural powers that can change the dream world into the Astral. As long that as you remain aware and alert to the fact that you are dreaming, you can realize that you can have control of the dream. The dream world and then becomes the Astral and a whole new form of consciousness arises into awareness. Dream consciousness can be evoked in many ways. The dreamer simply needs to be aware of the dream while it is in progress. The elusive in dream becomes lucid. Everything in the dream is there to see, here, taste, touch and to experience. The smell of a rose or the touch of another person in the dream may be enough to bring up on a condition of awareness without awakening the dreamer from the dream. This sight of something that is absurd or ridiculous may suddenly gain ones’ attention and bring about a vivid dream experience. Finding oneself 8,000 miles away from home in a dense African jungle trying to elude of a large pack of angry chimpanzees should be some clue that this present situation must be a dream. That spark the awareness causes the experience to become more than just a dream. We let so many unusual things pass by our awareness that would seem odd and out of place if we were fully awake and observing or experiencing the same thing. We barely give any intention to our dreams while they are happening and lose out on another plane of consciousness where our minds operate. Waking, resting, sleeping and dreaming are different planes of consciousness. Conscious dreaming, or lucid dreaming, is still another “world” that we can become aware. A vivid, or lucid awakening, will enable you to taste an apple you pluck from a tree or you might reach out and touch a wall and feel the plaster or brick against your fingers. Maybe you can even see your fingers move through the wall. The magical energy to create year own world is consciously at your fingertips. As you prepare for sleep, lie comfortably on your back. Relax. Take a few, slow deep breaths to clear how your clogged mind. Inhale. Hold in your breath. Then, slowly exhale. Feel relaxed and more rested. As you breathe in, exchange and release the vital energy that maintains your body. Let all of the troubles plaguing you from the waking world pass from your mind. Dismiss the thoughts that come rushing upon you. Enjoy these few moments of peace and serenity as you retire. Let yourself sail away inside of the solitude of your mind. While you are laying on your back, calm and rested, the monotony of the silence and darkness around you will soon begin to dull your mind. You will feel drowsy and desire sleep. You will become less aware of your surroundings and your body and mind slips into sleep. The bed, pillow and sheets will no longer seem to exist. The world around you will begin to fade from interest. Let it happen. As consciousness dims and drowsiness overcomes you, your eyes will start feeling heavy and fatigued. Close them and let reality slip away. You will soon feel your body drift as you pass into sleep. This floating sensation is the disassociation or separation of your mind from the concern of your body. It is a desirable experience to achieve if you want to perform out of the body experiences known as Astral Projection. Instead of unconsciously letting yourself space off into oblivion, let yourself dream. Simply, picture some image or a scene suspended before you in the darkness. Hold the visualization firmly in your mind as though you were actually looking at it. Practice is needed as most of us are out of touch with our imagery processes which once used to be so vivid as children. Imagine a garden full of blossoming roses and colorful tulips or reproduce a memory of a place you once been that pleases you. Mentally create any type of the image form that you desire. The scene should stay the same throughout this exercise so you can give it your full concentration. If you have a problem evoking an image, just lay back, and allow whatever comes to mind to appear on your internal movie screen. You don’t have to think about what you want to see if you are practicing passive imaging. Just let the flow of images come through. Let your imagination draw magnificent visions and behind your closed eyes. Both methods of visualizing, active and passive, can help bring about dream-like experiences. You just need to remain aware of them without letting your body completely go to sleep. Dreaming experiences happened during almost translate to sleep. It is like being both awake and asleep at the same time. If you are able to keep yourself mentally awake without going into unconsciousness, the pictures you have projected in front of you will soon take on an extraordinary quality. It may take many, many times, but don’t give up. For a while, you may only fall asleep instead of being able to step inside of your dreams. The intention is to remain mentally aware of being awake while your body is falling asleep. Practicing meditation or simple relaxation will open your mind to the hypnagogic state and allow you who entered into the Astral. Have the intention is to remain mentally aware of being awake while your body is physically falling asleep. If you imagine a colorful garden projected in front of you, the colors may get brighter for a while. The flower’s fragrance may flow through you. While hypnotically staring at the flowers blossoming into life, they will begin to flourish with brilliance and energy. Everything surrounding you will soon seem very lucid and realistic. You may even start to believe that they are actually in front of you. As long as you remain entrenched with the scene it will remain active. If you were eventually able to reach out and touch the flowers before you, their touch will tickle your mind.
Kabbalah ManuscriptsRobert E. Zucker has also published a book on the legends, history, and techniques of the Kabbalah called "Kabbalah's Secret Circles." The book includes instructions to create a Kabbalah Wheel to spin the 231 Holy Gates.
Purchase "Kabbalah's Secret Circles" by PayPal/Credit Card and get personalized autographed copy from the author. Now Available on Amazon.com and internationally
"Twilight of Consciousness"KabbalahEntertainment Magazine© 2019-2021 Copyright by Robert Zucker. Entertainment Magazine.EMOL.org. No part may be copied, reproduced, republished or digitally stored without permission from author. |