Kabbalah: Twilight of Consciousness
The Twilight of Consciousness Book Index
"Twilight of Consciousness," by publisher and author Robert E. Zucker examines the dream state and how to achieve astral projection using simple, easy to follow, techniques.
22 paths, 103
3D, 189
3D-effect, 155
4 faces, 84
4 rabbis in the Garden, 237
4 wings, 84
72 angels of Jacob’s Ladder, 88
Abuyah, Elisha, 238, 239
account of Creation, 239
Acher, 238, 240
activity/rest cycle, 122, 124
adrenalin, 138, 143
air spirits, 94
Ajnah chakrah, 142
Akiba, Joseph, 85, 238, 241
alarm clock, 15, 169, 194, 223, 230
alcohol, 164
alert and awake, 148
alertness, 179
alertness in a dream, 36
Alice and the caterpillar, 163
Alpha waves, 69, 127, 129, 131, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 155, 158
alphabet, 100, 102
altered states of consciousness, 202
altering physiological processes, 135
amplitude, 134
analytical psychology, 104
ancient symbols, 98
angel, 39, 86, 88, 256
Anima Mundi, 210
animal soul, 39
animals, 39
animating, 186
Anthropology, 257
anxiety, 180
appearance like burning coals, 84
appearance of a flash of lightning, 85
appearance of torches, 84
archaic images, 210
Archangels, 86
archetypes, 100, 210
Arizona, 258
arousal, 69
as above, so below, 31, 103
ascents into Heaven, 85
asleep and awake. See awake and asleep
Associated Press, 190
Astral, 75, 214
Astral and the waking worlds, 164
Astral Body, 111, 112, 113, 189, 251
Astral consciousness, 159
Astral dream world, 169
Astral environment, 94, 166
Astral experiences, 5
Astral Journeys, 229
Astral light, 93
Astral Plane, 91, 93, 214, 227, 242
Astral Projection, 3, 5, 36, 37, 59, 74, 91, 93, 99,
145, 152, 164, 172, 174, 175, 176, 179, 183, 197, 199, 220, 226, 227,
235, 242, 258, 263
Astral Projection Articles, 212
Astral Projection, ways to induce, 177
astral symbols, 102
Astral vehicle, 112
Astral vessel, 111
Astral World, 5, 9, 83, 91, 94, 176, 179, 180
astral, definition, 90
Astral-like, 14
Author of My Dreams, 16
Autogenic Training, 153
autonomic nervous system, 133, 134, 136, 138, 152
autonomic processes, 135
autonomic responses, 136
autonomic system, 137
awake and, 179
awake and asleep, 38, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 51, 53, 63, 70, 72, 125, 192, See
awake and sleep, 120, 190
awake in my dream, 79, 199, 229
awaken in your sleep, 207
awaken to another form of existence, 13
awakened dreamer, 74
awakening within the dream, 199
aware of dreaming, 75, 176, 199
awareness, 21, 152, 156, 157, 159, 162, 166, 188, 199
awareness of the dream environment, 156
awoken during a dream, 162
Azzai, Simeon, 238
Babylonia, 85
Babylonian Talmud, 84, 85, 237, 240, 241
Ballantine Books, 250
bananas, 68
basal ganglia, 69
behavioristic psychology, 161
Ben Azzai, 238
Ben Zoma, 238
beni Elohim, 86
Besant, Annie, 30, 91, 249
beta waves, 127, 131
Bible, 167
Bilgray, Albert, 262
biofeedback, 133
biofeedback instruments, 134
biological clocks, 122
biological conditions, 123
biorhythm, 17, 233
bizarre fantasies, 50
blanked out, 153
Blavatsky, Madam, 30
blood pressure, 117
Bodhisattvas, 210
bodily changes, 20
bodily functions, 151
Bodizs, Robert, 64, 252
body, 84
body and mind, 145, 149, 181
body double, 113, 189
body rhythms, 142
body temperature, 20
Book of Creation, 104
Book of Dream Visions, 86
Book of Ezekiel, 85
Book of Genesis, 84
books, 240
books, forbidden, 240
Borhek, James, 262
Bower, Marvin, 136
brain, 69, 119, 136, 138, 140, 141, 149
brain cells, 126
brain chemicals, 67, 68, 151
brain impulses, 69
brain rhythms, 126
brain waves, 20, 69, 126, 135, 148
brains, 20, 24
breath, 39, 117, 134, 135, 145, 151, 152, 157
breathing patterns, 20
breathing techniques, 157
Breuer, Joseph, 25
Buddhism, 108
Buddhists, 29, 40, 134
Bulwer-Lytton, 42
butterfly, 82, 202, 220
Bykov, K.M., 135
BZB Publishing, 2, 273, 274, 275
Cabalist, 103
Caduceus, 97
calf, 84
Canadian Naskapi Indians, 29
candle burning, 256
carbohydrates, 68
Castaneda, Carlos, 113, 202, 220
catalepsy, 41, 64
celestial substratum, 210
central nervous system, 136, 138, 140
cerebral cortex, 119
Chagiga 14b, 237
chakrah, 69, 138, 141, 142, 143, 157
Chaldeans, 83, 227
Change v Force, 255
Chariot, 85
Chart of Consciousness, 130, 132
Chayyot, 84
chemical reactions, 126
chemicals, 164
cherub, 39
childhood dreams, 33, 197
children, 22, 163
chimpanzees, 196
Christian Cabalist, 103
circadian rhythm, 17
circle, 155, 238
circles, Kabbalists, 238
clairvoyance, 40, 82, 128
clarity, 114
coals of fire, 84
Cohen, Richard, 262
Collective Psyche, 211
collective unconscious, 104, 210, 211
color, 153
colors, 21, 108, 149
computer file, 24
conscious awareness, 134, 198
conscious dreaming, 215
conscious thoughts, 119
conscious visual projection, 192, 223
conscious-dreaming, 74, 79
consciously dream, 202
consciousness, 15, 21, 29, 43, 49, 54, 57, 69, 77, 98, 120, 126, 141, 149, 151, 152, 164, 167, 176, 192, 199
consciousness held in limbo, 48
control of internal body functions, 136
control of subconscious processes, 134
control of the breath, 152
control or alter bodily processes, 137, 157
corpus callosum, 120
cortex, 69
Creation, 239
creative thoughts, 98
creativity, 128
crossed this threshold, 205
Crowley, Aleister, 255
Crown chakrah, 142
crying, 137
cycles, 122, 137, 157
cycles per second, 126
Dante’s “Paradiso”, 11
date, missing, 229
daydreams, 25, 36, 56, 57, 58
daydreams, time spent, 57
deep and light sleep, 20
deep breathing, 158
deep sleep, 129, 182
déjà vu, 20
Delgado, Jose, 20
delta waves, 129, 131
delusions, 161
Dement, W.C., 246, 247
dense African jungle, 79
Descartes, René, 31
desire, 38
destroyed the garden, 238
detach the mind, 159
devil, 40
dharama, 41
directions, 84
disassociation, 71, 182, 222
diseases, 17, 143
dishabituate, 156
displace consciousness, 198
dissociation, 37, 70, 72, 152
Divine Presence, 238
doing nothing, 153
Don Juan, 202, 220
door, 236
doorbell, 51
doorway, 185
doppelganger, 113
Doré, Gustave, 11
double, 111
dream, 10, 13, 36, 48, 55, 56, 66, 71, 74, 91, 98, 99, 176, 189, 192, 196
dream actions, 172
dream analysis, 30, 225
dream awareness, 33, 79, 113, 125, 151, 196, 229, 242, 263
dream awareness, children, 64
Dream Body, 110, 111
dream characters, 104, 172
dream consciousness, 36, 37, 76, 82, 91, 93, 172, 196, 215, 227
dream cycles, 124
dream environment, 176, 199
dream episodes, 18
dream experience, 20, 128
dream imagery, 43, 183, 188
dream interpretation, 29, 30, 31
dream is just a dream, 198
dream is not a dream, 77
dream journal, 169, 170, 224
dream memories, 171, 194
dream narrator, 25
dream objects, 172
dream phases, 36
dream recall, 33
dream scene/setting, 172, 173
dream sequence, 78
dream state, 111, 129
dream state and Kabbalah, 104
dream state and waking state, 41
dream symbol, 109, 102, 111
dream techniques, 242
dream that you were dreaming, 5
dream visions, 86
dream-awareness, 74, 161
dream-body, 190
dream-conscious, 166
dreaming, 166, 202
dreaming brain, 68
dreaming is a real experience, 35l, 202
dreaming that I am dreaming, 76, 198, 215
dreamlike imagery, 164
dreams, 4, 12, 39, 62, 65, 70, 164
dreams in the Bible, 84, 167
drowsiness, 129, 148, 149
drowsy or light sleep, 63
drugs, 17, 164, 166, 226
ductless glands, 140
Dweller on the Threshold, 42, 48, 62, 128, 182
eagle, 84
Eccl. R. x. 20, 39
Ecclesiastes 5:5, 239
ecstasy, 161
ecstatic experience, 167, 240
ecstatic experiences, 95
EEC, 247
Eeden, Frederick, 76
EEG, 53, 126, 133, 152
ego control, 54, 161
Egyptians, 29, 82, 112, 227
Ehrsson, Henrik, 190
electric current, 140
electrical activity of the brain, 136, 147
electrical stimulation of the brain, 20, 24, 64, 149
electricity of the brain, 126
electroencephalogram, 126, 133
elements, 94
elephants, 14, 214
elusive dream, 196
elusive imagery, 176
emotional response, 191
emotional stress, 197
emotions, 120, 250
endocrine, 137, 140, 141, 142, 157
energy flows, 140
enlightenment, 161
Enoch, 86
enter the dream, 192
epinephrine, 138
Ernst, Max, 39
esoteric, 98, 102, 103
ESP, 20, 128, 226
essence of life, 157
euphoria, 161, 162, 166
evoking an image, 201
excessive brain activity, 126
exoteric, 98, 102
experience the essence of that object, 190
Extra Sensory Perception, 20, 128
eye movements, 20
eyes, 142, 154, 239, 241
Ezekiel, 85, 87
Ezekiel 1:13, 84
face of a man, lion, ox and eagle, 84
face of God, 239
Fallen Angels, 86
falling asleep, 57. 183
fantasies, 4, 12, 207, 230, 169
feelings, 24, 120
feet, 84
filing cabinet, 24
fire, 84
fire spirits, 94
first stage of sleep, 129
Fisher, Seymour, 136
FitzGerald, Edward, 160
floating sensation, 182, 236
flying dream, 80
Fog of Sleep, 132
foods, 68, 164
Force v Change, 255
force-form, 98
Foulkes, David, 53, 247, 252
Four Rabbis Who Entered the Garden, 237
France, 11
free will, 156
Freud, Sigmund, 25, 29, 30, 104, 253
fringe of awareness, 18
fringe of consciousness, 54
Fromm, Erich, 13
Gantt, Horsley, 135
ganzfeld, 53, 153
garden, 167, 185
Garden of delight, 239
Garden of Eden, 167, 237, 239, 241
Garden of Esoteric Knowledge, 238
gate, 185
gateway, 42
gateways to dream awareness, 37
gathering towards, 159
Genesis 28:12, 88
Genesis 37:1-44, 84
Genesis 6:2, 86
geometric patterns, 49, 149, 166
Gilbert, R.A., 243
Gnomes, 94
God, 162, 238, 239
goggles, 190
good and bad days, 123
Google Books, 273
Gordon, Rosemary, 106
grasp an item, 95
Greek, 97
Grove Press, 13
guide, 203
habits, 154
habituation, 156
Hagigah 14b, 239, 241
Hagigah 15b, 240
Hagigah 2:, 241
Hagigah 2:3-4, 241
hallucinations, 4, 10, 20, 40, 54, 67, 82, 161, 164, 166, 167, 221, 227
hallucinatory, 128
hallucinogenic drugs, 164
hallucinogenic phenomena, 166
Hananiah, Joshua, 238, 239
Hatha Yoga, 134, 158
heart, 138
heart beat rate, 137
heart chakrah, 142
heart rate, 20, 117, 152
heartbeat, 134
Heautoscopy, 111
Heaven, 85
heavenly palaces, 85
Heavenly Throne, 84
Hebb, Donald, 154, 253
Hekhalot, 85
Hekhalot Rabbati, 85
Hekhalot Zutartey, 85
Hekhalot Zutarti, 237
hemispheres of the brain, 119
herbs, 164
Hermes, 97
Hermetic doctrine, 31
hibernation, 129
Hoet, Gerard, 88
homogenous visual field, 53
honey, 239
hooves, 84
hormone, 143
hormones, 141, 142
Houston, J., 162, 253
human, 39, 84, 112, 239
human brain, 126
human form, 84
hungry dragon, 80
hyperventilating, 158
hypnagogic, 36, 37, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 63, 129, 164, 179, 180, 198, 219, 221
Hypnopompic, 37, 59, 61, 62, 63, 169, 193
hypnosis, 20, 37, 149, 158, 183, 226
hypnotists, 44
hypothalamus, 69
ideas, 250
illusion, 4, 40
image, 113, 183, 184, 192
image disappears, 154
image of yourself, 189
imagery, 18, 44, 53, 55, 149
imagination, 10, 98, 184, 189
improve sleep, 180
incongruity in the dream, 79
inducing or leading into sleep, 48, 53
infancy, 162
inner voice, 25
insane, Rabbi Zoma, 239
intellect, 39
internal imagery, 44
internal processes, 133
internal reality, 118
internal self-control, 134
internal voice, 25
intoxicated, 166, 164
intuitive, 120
Isaiah, 85
Isaiah 6: 1-13, 85
Ishmael, Rabbi, 85
Israel, 86
Jacob, Jewish Patriarch, 84
Jacob’s Ladder, 88
Jacobson, Jacob, 180
Jacobson’s Relaxation Technique, 180
Jefferson Airplane, 236
Jerusalem, 239
Jerusalem Talmud, 241
Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah, 85, 253
Jewish legend, 4 Rabbis, 237
Jewish mystic, 167
Jewish mystical texts, 85
Job 1:6, 86
Job 38:7, 86
Job 38.7, 86
journal, 169
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 247
Judaic Kabbalah, 102
Judaic tradition, 112
Jung, Carl, 30, 32, 104, 210, 246
Ka, 112
Kabbalah, 102, 103, 104, 241, 258
Kabbalah web site, 260
Kalish, Donald, 35
Karolinska Institute, 190
Kertesz, Katinka, 64, 252
King, Francis, 243
Klein, W.M.P., 57, 246, 252
Klinger, Eric, 57, 246
Klinger, Max, 214
knowledge of the Works of Creation, 237
Kundalini, 143
kyo-, 40
Laberge, Stephen, 250
Labrador Peninsula, 29
Leadbeater, C.W., 30, 91, 93, 249
left side of the brain, 120
Lev. R. xxii, 39
levels of consciousness, 95
Lewis, Penelope, 129
Ley, Ronald, 145, 252
life-force, 140
lightning, 85
lion, 84
living creatures, 84, 112
living inside of your dreams, 212, 228
Look-At-Your-Hands, 113
looking directly at oneself, 189
LSD, 164
lucid awareness, 197
lucid dreaming, 20, 36, 37, 72, 74, 76, 78, 82, 91, 95, 109, 174, 189, 196, 215, 226, 227, 250
lucid visions, 207
lucidity, 171, 197, 198
Ma’aseh Merkabah, 85, 86
magic of your mind, 113, 115
Magick is Science, 255
magnetic force, 126
Magus, 16
Maimonides Dream Laboratory, 91, 226
making the mind blank, 149
makyo, 40, 41
malevolent entity, 42
mandala, 108, 155
marijuana, 129, 164
Markman, K.D., 57, 246, 252
Maslow, Abraham, 161, 253
master gland, 142
Mastering Astral Projection Techniques, 5
Masters, R., 162, 253
Mathers, MacGregor, 242
Maupin, Edward, 147, 253
Maya, 40
mechanics of the mind, 119
mechanics of your brain, 5
medications, 17, 226
meditation, 20, 37, 41, 72, 134, 137, 147, 149, 150, 151, 156, 167, 179, 180, 232, 240
memorable event, 189
memories, 12, 15, 21, 24, 51, 64, 113, 117, 119, 134, 166, 170, 171, 173, 183, 211, 229
memory, increase, 60
mental body, 113
mental disorders, 137
mental illness, 250
mental imagery, 159
mental passivity, 54
mental simulation, 57, 252
mental-dump, 12
Mercury, 97
merge with dream image, 192
Merkabah, 85, 237
mescaline, 164
messengers of God, 86
metaphysics of the dream, 30
microvolt, 127
milk, 68
mind and body, 145, 151, 153, 157
mind-altering substances, 164
Mindell, Arnold, 250
mirror, 189
mirror of your mind, 19
Mishna, Leviticus Rabbah 32.2, 39
Mishnah, 238
Mishnah Hagigah 2.1, 85
moon, 52
Moorcroft, William, 68, 253
morph, 80
Morrison, Van, 42
Motte, Friedrich de la, 92
Muladhara chakrah, 143
muscle responses, 20
muscular relaxation, 158
music, 21
mystical experiences, 161
Naskapi Indians, 29
Nature Spirits, 94
Nephesh, 39
nerve centers, 138
Neshamah, 39
neurons, 126
neuroses, 137
New Directions in Psychology, 246
Newcomb, T.M., 246
no date on the newspaper, 229
nocturnal catalepsy, 64
nocturnal paralysis, 41
noradrenaline, 138
nuts, 68
Nymphs, 94
object, 153
object’s point of view, 192
occipital lobe, 149
Old Testament, 84, 85
Ophiel, 242
Orchard, 237
Other One, 240
out of body experience (OOBE), 3, 71, 166, 183, 189, 190
out of synch, 17
outside of the physical body, 189
ox, 84
oxygen, 157
palaces, 85
paralysis, 70, 164
parasympathetic nervous system, 138, 140
Pardes, 237
passive awareness, 149
pattern less visual field, 153
patterns, 156, 166, 173
peak experience, 78, 122, 156, 161, 162, 164, 199
Penfield, Wilder Graves, 20
perceptual traces, 24
personal consciousness, 211
personal feelings, 25
personality, 141
personality in the dream state, 121
personality in the waking state, 121
peyote, 164
Pharaoh’s dream, 84
Philosophical Quarterly, 35, 253
phone ring, 51
photograph in your mind, 59
physiological changes, 136
physiological processes, 122
pineal gland, 69, 142
pituitary gland, 142
pizza, 68
planes of consciousness, 94
Powell, A.E., 91, 94, 251
practical workbook, 250
prana, 140
pranayama, 157
pratayahara, 159
pre-conscious, 25, 54, 210
prescription medications, 164
primordial archetypes, 210, 211
progressive muscular relaxation, 158
projecting. See Astral Projection
Prophet’s Chariot, 87
prophets, 82
proteins, 68
Proverbs 25:16, 239
Psalms 101:7, 241
Psalms 116:5, 238
Psalms 29:1, 86
psychedelic drugs, 164, 166
psychoanalysis, 25
psychogalvanator, 133
Psychological Studies, 246
Psychology Press, 57, 252
psychosis, 17
psychosomatic, 153
psycho-therapeutic, 158
R.E.M., 129
Rabbi, 167
Rabbi Akiba, 85, See Akiba, Joseph
Rabbi Zoma, 239
rainbows, 16
ran and returned, 84
raphe center, 69
Rapid Eye Movement, 68, 166
Rashi, 239
reality TV show, 26
realization in the dream, 74, 171, 200
realties, 118
recall your dreams, 169
recognition of incongruity, 197
recognize that you are dreaming, 201
Regardie, Israel, 211
regulate body activities, 122
relaxation, 17, 54, 129, 152, 179, 180
REM, 68, 166
remember your dreams, 170, 201
reproductive organs, 143
rest/activity, 17, 149
reticular system, 69
revolving disc, 141
rhythm, 126, 151
rhythmic breathing, 157
right side of the brain, 120
Roman, 97
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 4
sacral region, 142
Sadler, S.L., 161, 253
Salamanders, 94
Sandor, Piroska, 64, 252
Sanskrit, 40, 141
schizoid personality, 121
Scholem, Gershom, 85, 253
secret names, 85
see myself in a dream, 111, 191
see one’s own body, 111
seeds of dreaming, 250
seeing, 202
seers, 82
self-expanding, 162
semi-conscious sleep, 223
sensations, 50, 63
senses, 39
sensory deprivation, 63
sensory information, 117, 118
separation of consciousness, 71, 182
Sepher Yetzirah, 241
Seraphim, 85
Serotonin, 67, 68, 69, 164
Sheehan, Peter, 106
Shekhinah, 238
shikan-taza, 153
Ship of Sleep, 73
Shiva, 45
Shmot 33:20, 239
siren, 21
skeletal responses, 134
Zskin resistance, 133
sleep, 4, 10, 17, 39, 123, 129
sleep and awake, 62, 64, 169, 193
sleep and death, 112
sleep cycle, 17, 18, 71
sleep inducing, 221
sleep paralysis, 164
sleep research, 18, 129
sleep spindles, 152
sleep, brain waves, 127
Sleep: The Darkening Veil, 5
sleeping and dreaming, 18
smartphone apps, 53
smell, 50, 196
smell of a rose, 216
Smoking the dragon, 165
Society for Psychical Research, 76, 252
Sociology, 257
Sons of Elohim, 86
sons of God, 86
soul, 39, 103, 112, 113
soul is speech, 112
Soul of the World, 210
soul tells the angel, 39
soul, animal (Nephesh), 39
sounds, 12, 21, 49, 50, 54, 55, 63, 108, 134, 164, 176
space, time and the soul, 103
spark dream awareness, 99
spark of awareness, 74, 77, 80, 196, 197
spark of life, 39
speaketh falsehood, 241
speaking processes, 120
Spear, Paul, 53, 247, 252
speech, 39, 112
spinal cord, 136, 138, 140, 142
spirit, 39
spirit double, 112
spiritual being, 112
spiritual entities, 86
spiritual life, 211
spleen, 142
standing next to their body, 190
stars, 86
state of mind, 152
states of consciousness, 43, 126, 140, 151, 226
stepping into, 190
stilling the mind, 158
stomach, 138
stomach aches, 137
stones, 241
stream of consciousness, 14, 26, 49, 53
stream of thought, 25, 65
stress, 150
subconscious, 29, 105, 119, 170, 227
subconscious mind, 30, 134
Suhr, J.A., 57, 252
Sullivan, Edmund, 4, 61, 92, 160
super-consciousness, 45
suspended animation, 152
sweat glands, 133
sweating, 137
Sylphs, 94
symbols, 29, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 109, 112, 153, 179, 183
symbols– visual aids, 95
Symonds, John, 53, 247, 252
sympathetic nervous system, 138, 140
synthetic chemicals, 143
Szakadat, Sara, 64, 252
Talmud, 84, 85, 241
tanna, 238, 239
Tarot, 103
Tart, Charles, 117, 252
Teasdale, Sara, 2, 52, 144
techniques, 5, 30, 44, 151, 157, 158, 250
Temple vision of Isaiah, 85
ten spheres, 103
thalamus, 69
The Candle Burning, 256
The Divine Comedy, 11
The Forgotten Language, 13
The Labor of the Vision, 86
The Mechanics of the Vision, 86
Theosophical Publishing House, 93, 249, 253
Theosophists, 29, 91, 113
Theosophy, 29
theta waves, 128, 129, 131
think about your dreams, 170
thinking, 120
Third Eye, 69, 142
thought-form, 40, 41, 64, 98, 153, 192
thoughts, 24, 29, 113, 136, 149, 239
three “bodies”, 113
throat chakrah, 142
throne, 85
thymus, 142
thyroid, 142
Tibetan Buddhists, 29
Tikunei Zohar, Tikun 40, 237
Timmons, B.H., 145, 252
torches, 84
Tosefta, 241
touch, 50
touch something in a dream, 201
trance-like, 21, 71, 149, 158, 222
transcendent experience, 161
transfer your awareness, 192
transition periods, 49. 125
Traveling Show, 16
Tree of Life, 102, 103, 237
trigger to spark dream awareness, 99
TV, 21
twilight of consciousness, 9, 46, 128, 221
twilight period, 49
two “brains”, 119
Typical Dream, 36
unconscious, 29, 30, 55, 98, 120, 128, 148, 210
unconsciousness, 55, 128, 148
underworld, 112
Undines, 94
united with God, 162
universal, 29
Universal Meaning, 100
universal symbols, 102
University College, London, 190
vehicles for our consciousness, 112
vessel, 111
video camera, 190
virtual reality, 14, 74, 113, 185
visceral responses, 134
vision of Ezekiel, 85, 87
vision of Isaiah, 85
Vision of the Chariot, 84, 85, 86
vision of the Lord on a throne, 85
visions, 84
visual field, 153
visual forms, 108
visual system, 149
visualization, 40, 183, 184, 191
vital force, 140
vital organs, 140
vitality, 157
vivid dream,s 33, 53, 196, 212
vivid imagery, 67
voice in our head, 25
volt of electricity, 127
Vritti, 36, 40, 41, 49, 108
wake up in a dream, 197
wake/sleep cycle, 122, 259
wakefulness encompasses the dreamer, 78
waking hallucinations, 164
waking state, 127
Walker, Dugald, 2, 52
Walker, Stewart, 144
water, 241
Water spirits, 94
Wayback Machine, 2, 260
wheel, 141
white noise, 53
White, Laurance, 11
Wikipedia, 29, 42, 238
will, 38
will power, 158
wings, 39, 84
wishes, 29
Works of Creation, 237
world came into existence, 39
World Wide Web, 259
Yoga, 40, 134, 157
Yogi’s of Tibet, 82, 227
Yost, R.M., 35
Zedcor Graphics, 2, 9, 19, 34, 35, 42, 45, 61, 73, 75,
88, 90, 92, 106, 110, 144, 155, 160, 167, 187, 195, 240, 256
Zen Buddhism, 40, 108, 153
Zohar I, 26b, 237
Zoma, Simeon, 238, 239
Zucker, letters of support, 262
Zucker, Loretta, 2
Zucker, Robert, 2, 4, 16, 23, 32, 56, 75, 97, 98, 104, 115, 121, 132, 143, 163,
Kabbalah Manuscripts
Robert E. Zucker has also published a book on the legends, history, and techniques of the Kabbalah called "Kabbalah's Secret Circles." The book includes instructions to create a Kabbalah Wheel to spin the 231 Holy Gates.

Purchase "Kabbalah's Secret Circles" by PayPal/Credit Card and get personalized autographed copy from the author.
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© 2019 Copyright by Robert Zucker. Entertainment Magazine.EMOL.org. No part may be copied, reproduced, republished or digitally stored without permission from author.