Kabbalah: Twilight of Consciousness
Living Inside Your Dreams
"Twilight of Consciousness," by publisher and author Robert E. Zucker, examines the dream state and how to achieve astral projection using simple, easy to follow, techniques.
“I am dreaming that I am dreaming.”
lucid dream is unlike the normal dream where you are caught up in an endless flow of uncontrollable situations.
dreaming happens when you have full awareness and can actively
participate in the dream. It is more than just a vivid experience– it is
How many times
have you wanted to change the contents of a dream and all of the sudden
a new world emerged? In a typical dream, the dreamer is usually
unaware of the dream environment.
When the
dreamer reacts in a conscious, or lucid manner, to the surroundings of
the dream, a phenomenon takes place in the dreamers’ experience. This is
the sensation of dream-consciousness.
When a lucid
dream occurs, the whole experience becomes more than surrealistic.
Momentarily, the dream becomes almost indistinguishable from the
ordinary waking reality.
The sights and
sounds of the dream feels like an actual, conscious experience. That
spark of awareness can cause the experience to become more than just a
Awareness of
being in a dream while it is happening does something unusual to the
quality of the dream. It no longer seems like a fantasy stage production
with touches of reality thrown in to keep it believable. For a moment,
the dream is not a dream. It seems real.
With this
acquired awareness, you can become deliberately involved the scene. The
realization you are somewhere else, participating in some strange
environment rather than lying in your bed sleeping changes the dream
into an experience rarely forgotten– you dream that you are dreaming!
Once the
thought comes to you that you are having a dream, you have access to
supernatural powers that can change in the dream environment. A whole
new form of consciousness arises into awareness. Becoming aware of
yourself and your surroundings while you are dreaming changes the
quality of the ordinary dream. In a lucid dream, you can actually feel
an apple you pluck from a tree. You might be able to touch, and feel, a
table or a wall as if it were real. Or, your hand might pass through it.
As long as you
continue to remain aware and alert while you are still dreaming, you
can have control of the dream sequence. The skill is to maintain that
awareness as long as possible without drifting back into
unconsciousness. This takes practice.
The phenomenon
of lucidity arises when sleeping habit patterns are broken and the
conscious mind begins to perceive from a new perspective. This
experience is similar to a “peak” or “enlightened” state of mind.
Awareness supersedes normal attentiveness.
Some skeptics believe that lucid dreaming is not a sleep state, but one of “brief wakefulness.”
In most
dreams, the dreamer is carried along a continuous flow of situations and
reacts to them without much attention. The dreamer rarely realizes that
they are in a dream episode and continues to operate as a puppet in a
show. When the dreamer realizes that it is only a dream, absurd
incongruities are suddenly noted as a feeling of “reality,” or in the
skeptics’ views– “wakefulness”– begins to encompass the dreamer.
While you
dream, you may let many unusual things pass by your awareness that would
seem out of place if you were fully awake and observing the same
experience. Most people barely give any intention to dreams while they
are happening, and they lose out on this extraordinary experience.
The sight of
something that is absurd or ridiculous may suddenly gain your attention
and bring about a vivid dream experience. Dreaming of being 8,000 miles
away from home in a dense African jungle trying to elude of a large pack
of angry chimpanzees should be some clue that this situation must be a
dream. Dreaming of running down the street naked while no one pays
attention would be another clue that you are only dreaming.
To induce dream awareness, the dreamer simply needs to be aware of the dream while it is in progress.
The elusive
dream becomes lucid. Everything in the dream is there to see, here,
taste, touch, and experience. This phenomenon occurs more frequently
during early morning hours and usually happens without expectation.
Anything can
help spark conscious-dreaming. The smell of a rose, the sight of an
incongruity in the dream, a frightening situation, or the touch of an
object may be enough to “awaken” the dreamer to the dream.
possibilities begin to unfold with this realization. Within a moments
decision, those stampeding chimpanzees can be instantly turned into a
stream of trickling water or a luscious flowerbed. You can transform
that reoccurring dream about being naked on a city street when you
realize that you are just dreaming this anxiety. When that spark of
awareness occurs while you are dreaming, it is sometimes enough to make a
conscious decision and alter the dream.
If you dream
of being confronted by a hungry dragon who is contemplating you as his
next meal, the mere acknowledgment that is only a dream can give you
that desperately needed superpower to garner your strength and divert a
possible nightmare. Being lost on a crowded street in some obscure
dream-created city can be turned into a flying dream that projects you
above the people and buildings into the clouds and soar to a new
However, when
someone obtains lucidity on a dream, the mere realization is enough to
flood the senses and cause the dreamer to lapse back into
unconsciousness. But most of us just say, “it was only dream” and let it
pass away. A lost opportunity.
When I’m
confronted with a frightening situation in a dream– being chased, lost,
or in immediate peril– I try to imagine different surroundings and the
threat morphs into another scene. If it is really frightening or
endangering, I will wake up immediately. After awakening, remnants of
the nightmare may still remain long enough to remember what scared me so
Any unusual occurrence in a dream can trigger a lucid dream experience.
Lucid dreaming
will enable you to taste that apple you pluck from a tree or you can
reach out to touch a wall to feel the plaster or brick against your
fingers. Maybe you can even see, and sense, your fingers move through
the wall. In a recent lucid dream, I held a butterfly in my cupped hand
and actually felt the sensation of it fluttering its wings before I let
it go and awoke with a smile.
Awareness of
dream imagery, while it is unfolding almost like hallucinations, have
often been attributed to the mystical visions of prophets, seers and
clairvoyants. Many scientific and religious discoveries arose from the
depths of the dream world.
The ancient
Egyptians practiced dream awareness religiously. The “Egyptian Book of
the Dead” explained how the gods were revealed through dreams. They
believed that dreams gave warnings, provided advice, and foretold
prophecies. The Egyptian word for dream has a similar root meaning of
the word “to be awake.” The Egyptians practiced an advance form of dream
travel with the knowledge they gained from their observances.
The Yogi’s of
Tibet and India attain a dream consciousness state to experience great
visions and perform extraordinary feats. The ancient Chaldeans devised a
magical science from the knowledge of the dream state. Our Western
civilization today seems to ignore the importance of the dream and
imagery processes. We may be depriving ourselves of expanding a huge
reservoir of human potential.
Everyone is
capable of achieving awareness during the dream and “projecting,” or
sending, their souls to travel through the Astral World.
When you open
the door into the Astral World, suddenly, your whole concept of dreaming
changes. Once you realize that you are dreaming while the dream it is
unfolding around you, the existence of this and other planes of
consciousness become apparent.
If you become
more aware of your dream experiences, they will no longer be a secluded
part of your life. It takes a bit of practice and patience to regain
that awareness of your dreams.
When you
reawaken yourself to your dreams, an awareness of your subconscious can
help balance your whole personality as well and as evoke extra-sensory
events in your waking life.
Purchase: on Amazon.com
Kabbalah Manuscripts
Robert Zucker has also published a book on the legends, history, and techniques of the Kabbalah called "Kabbalah's Secret Circles." The book includes instructions to create a Kabbalah Wheel to spin the 231 Holy Gates.

Purchase "Kabbalah's Secret Circles" by PayPal/Credit Card and get personalized autographed copy from the author.
Now Available on Amazon.com and internationally
© 2019 Copyright by Robert Zucker. Entertainment Magazine.EMOL.org. No part may be copied, reproduced, republished or digitally stored without permission from author.