Kabbalah: Sefer Yetzirah

Bookstore: "Sefer Yetzirah" the Book of Creation

Authoritative Kabbalah Books Available on the Internet

Recommended by Robert Zucker

There are several exceptional books that deeplynexplore the Book of Creation (called in Hebrew: Sefer Yetzirah. These books are now readily available through Amazon. They are the same books in my library and were used as a reference to the two Kabbalah books I recently published.

Download free sample books on the Kabbalah by author Robert Zucker.

Purchase full length print or digital copies on Amazon about "Sefer Yetzirah - Book of Creation."

"Sefer Yetzirah, The Book of Creation, In Theory and Practice" by Aryeh Kaplan

Top Recommended: This book is the absolute foundation for the translation of the Book of Creation from Hebrew to English with extensive notes and citations. It is cited by many authors and Kabbalists.

This translation includes the meditation in five dimensions, the transition from binah to chakhmah consciousness, the point of infinity, kabbalistic astrology, Ezekiel's vision according to the Sefer Yetzirah, and the mystery of the 231 gates. Also included is a digest of all major commentaries on the text of the Sefer Yetzirah and a bibliography of many of the major kabbalistic works that discus it, as well as extensive notes regarding the various aspects of the translation. Rabbi Kaplan's translation is based on the Gra version of the text, which is thought to be the most authentic.

Purchase on Amazon: "Sefer Yetzirah" by Areyeh Kaplan

"The Book of Formation: Sepher Yetzirah" by Akiba ben Jospeh and translated by Knut Stenring

This is also an exception reference book, including The 32 Paths of Wisdom, Their Correspondence with the Hebrew Alphabet and the Tarot Symbols.

It lays out the principles of Kabbalistic cosmology and the Tree of Life, how humankind (the microcosm) reflects the Divine (the macrocosm). It also sets forth the Hebrew doctrine of Logos--the creation of the world in numbers, letters, and sound. As such, it is a seminal text for all serious magicians.

Stenring has made a word-for-word translation from several texts, choosing only those parts which he believed to be authentic. He reveals the text's secrets in his diagrams, tables, and extensive notes. His "Master Key to the Theoretical and Practical Kabbala" is a diagram of the correspondences between the English and Hebrew alphabets and is not found in other translations of the Sepher Yetzirah. Also unique in this translation is Stenring's assignment of certain tarot cards to the paths on the Tree of Life. Several authors have done this before, but Stenring asserts that he arrived at his correspondences on his own.

The introduction by Waite surveys the historical background of the Sepher Yetzirahtranslations and the import of this foundational Kabbalistic text.

Purchase "Sefer Yetzirah," by Akiba ben Joseph and translated by Knut Stenring.

"Sepher Yetzirah" by W. Wynn Westcott

Written by W. Wynn Westcott, this book delves into the ancient teachings of the Sepher Yetzirah, which is believed to be one of the oldest texts in the Kabbalistic tradition. The book provides a detailed analysis of the principles and concepts of the Sepher Yetzirah, including the ten Sefirot, the Tree of Life, and the four worlds of creation. It also explores the various interpretations and commentaries that have been made on the text over the years. Purchase: Sefer Yetzirah by W Westcott

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Free Kabbalah book downloads!

Read select chapters from author Robert Zucker's recent books on Kabbalah and Astral Projection and download a free sample PDF of each book and purchase full copies in print or digital from Amazon.

Kabbalah's Secret Circles by Robert Zucker"Kabbalah's Secret Circles" explores the legends and history of Kabbalah, the Book of Creation ("Sefer Yetzirah"), and how to create a simple Kabbalah Wheel device. Hundreds of pages of information and references.

Twilight of Consciousness by Robert E. Zucker"Twilight of Consciousness: Explore Your Dreams with Astral Projection"provides practical techniques to achieve astral projection experiences. Control your dream while they are happening!

Enjoy other related Kabbalah sections by Robert Zucker:

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