Magnetic therapy to help promote healingMagnetic therapy is based on the theory that magnetic fields can change actions in the body is supported by many who have used magnets as a way to relieve pain, historical use in Eastern medicine and scientific research. Studies have demonstrated that magnets may be an effective therapy for the relief of pain. Additionally, it is believed that magnetic fields applied to an injured area improve blood flow and oxygen exchange to enhance the body's natural healing process. The health device industry has created dozens of products that incorporate magnetic therapy using magnets in a variety of healing ways. Neck magnet massagers and magnetic bracelets provice relief to specific spots. There are arm, back and knee wraps with embedded magnets that don't get lost like the Bandages. An externally applied, low-power, static magnetic field increases the rate of secondary healing. Review of the literature reveals conflicting evidence regarding the use of magnetic energy to aid the healing of bone, tendon, and skin.
Scientific experimental studies have concludes that "An externally applied, low-power, static magnetic field increases the rate of secondary healing. Review of the literature reveals conflicting evidence regarding the use of magnetic energy to aid the healing of bone, tendon, and skin," according to a report on "The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Wound Healing Experimental Study and Review of the Literature," by Steven L Henry, MD, Matthew J Concannon, MD, and Gloria J Yee, MD and published at the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.