Entertainment Magazine: Genealogy: Zucker Zucker Genealogy LinksThese websites provide searchable databases, surname searches and records about the Zucker family name. Genealogy research has become more efficient with all of the information now available by public search sites and private companies that require memberships or subscriptions. Some of the web site provide free searches and other may require a rsubscription to get detailed information. Searchable DatabasesAncestry.com: Zucker Family History 40,315 Historical Documents & Family Trees with Zucker. German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for a dealer in sugar or a confectioner, or a nickname for someone with a sweet tooth, from Middle High German zu(c)ker, German Zucker, Yiddish tsuker ‘sugar’. In some cases the Jewish surname is ornamental.German: offensive nickname for someone thought to be a thief, from Middle High German zücker, zucker ‘thief’, an agent derivative of zucken ‘to snatch or grab’. Jewish Genealogy This page has links with searchable databases to find genealogical, passenger records and other information about family genealogy. Surname Resource Center for ZUCKER. Research for the name Zucker that links to the majority of the zucker surname data on the web, as well as to individual zucker family trees, zucker origin and zucker meaning if known, and many other zucker genealogy resources. ZUCKER names from Ascentry.com. Search for Zucker's listed in the U.S. Federal Census Collection from 1840 to present. This database has 70,000 records for Zucker. FamilyHistory.com The Zucker Surname Index provides links to other genealogy sites that contains Zucker family members. Records searched include from Ancestry.com, U.S. Census, historical newspaper archives, U.S. Military Service Records, UK and Ireland record collections. Zucker Family Surname Grave search for genealogy from findagrave.com. Linkpendium Zucker genealogy, family history and links to other databases. Zucker Name GenealogyWikipedia's entry for the name Zucker. calls it a German word meaning "sugar." Zucker is also a laboratory rat breed. Zucker Surname from surnamedb.com. Suggests that te Zucker surname may have two origins. First, it may be medieval English occupational name for a suger or confectioner dealer from the 13th century word "suker" (sugar). Zucker House of Names explains the genealogy of the Zucker family, the cost of arms (or family crest), its origin and migration of the Zuckers to the U.S. General summary with a push to purchase their products. Passenger Lists, PassportsU.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925 from Ancestry.com Other Zuckers in the worldMessages from Zucker's from around the world looking for missing links to their family tree. Exchange family stories, get email contacts and read some family stories about immgrating to the U.S. and life in Europe. Return to Zucker Home PageEntertainment Magazine© 2010. Entertainment Magazine All rights reserved. |
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