The recent 2008 Rocky Point Motorcycle Rally drew less than the 10,000 people it attracted last year.
The effect of the U.S. economy was apparent in the dusty streets of Peurto Penasco, the location of the annual motorcycle rally. This year's event was held November 6-9, 2008.
Fewer people filled the hotels, bars, restaurants and party spots this year. Some people expressed dissatisfaction with organization of the event, communications and enthusiasm.
A rumored, or scheduled, parade expected to be held fizzled into an impromptu caravan of cyclists looking for a parking spot with an occasional burn out.
The "Mystery Cards" Poker Run to Rocky Point started the event for most bikers at the Flores Chevron Station in Why, AZ on Thursday, November 6 and Friday, November 7. Fees collected at the Welcome Tent are used to operate the activities and given to local charity organizations.
The Welcome party was held at Hacienda Las Fuentes. Events were also held Playa Bonita Resort. A Friday Night Bar-Hop was held at the Desert Oasis, Sandbar, Camel Toe Cantina.
On Saturday, November 8, the Malecon, the main road where most of previous year year action was held, saw most of the weekend action. Fiesta on the Malecon was scheduled to be held all day with bike shows, music and activies. But, no official parade came through. This reporter was told the main event was held blocks away instead. Meanwhile, thousands of people roamed the Malecon waiting for action.
Saturday night, the Rally at the Playa was held at the Playa Bonita Resort with a night Concert on the Beach, featuring Mogollon at the Playa Bonta's beach front. The event concluded 11:00pm after a shot of beach fireworks.
Throughout the weekend, though, many people were unable to find locations for some of the planned events. Popular nightspots like the Camel Toe and Manny's didn't have the crowds of the past.
Take a virtual tour of the 2008 Rocky Point Rally. Watch video clips and camera shots of some of the action downtown.
Cholla Bay, with its famous watering hole, JJ's Cantina, was also light on traffic this year.
New U.S. border rules have may added confusion
At this time, no passport or visa is required to visit Rocky Point.If you don't have a passport or passcard, only a valid driver's license AND a copy of your birth certificate is still necessary. Border travelers may be required to present only a passport beginning in 2009 or later. The wallet size passcard is also now accepted at the international border for citizens to enter the U.S. Continue reading...