Mexico: Puerto Peñasco/Rocky Point: Spring BreakRocky Point Spring Break Tips
Spring break is a time not to worry and to just have fun. But, to keep the fun - and yourself- safe, a few simple tips help make the trip an enjoyable one. Rocky Point virgins may have culture shock when they see the contrast of the rich, American-like section known as Sandy Beach with the poorer Mexican community of Puerto Peñasco. Sandy Beach, just north of the town's main port, is where the high rise hotels, condos and million dollar rental homes are located. Rocky Point Travel InformationNo visa is required to visit Rocky Point at this time. But, all border travelers may be required to present a passport in 2008 or later. Since Rocky Point is considered to be part of the "Free Zone" the area does not currently require a passport visa. International students can only re-enter the U.S. through Douglas or Nogales and must have valid documents for reentry. The border crossing at Lukeville, Arizona (Gringo Pass) is closed from 12:00am until 6:00 am daily. Currently (as of 2007), American citizens need to bring one (1) of the following pieces of identification to return to the U.S.:
Mexican Liability Insurance is mandatory if you drive a vehicle in Mexico. Contact the Rocky Point Mexico Insurance at 1-800-404-1088. You will need your valid driver's license, current vehicle registration and current U.S. insurance proof of coverage. Gasoline is availabe throughout Mexico and is sold by the liter. More Rocky Point and Mexico Travel Tips... Driving in Rocky Point: Do not carry a lot of cash when you go into town or on the road. It's not that the local residents are to be feared anymore than in any other city. Reports about unscrupulous Mexican police who shakedown touristas on the road still exists. The road between Sandy Point and Puerto Peñasco is especially notorious. If you don't speak Spanish, and want to avoid contact with the local officers, drive slow (try to be sandwiched between other vehicles). Keep your extra cash stashed in your vehicle- not on your body. You may be asked to go to the police station. Just expect that your fine will probably be whatever you empty from your pockets. Note that there are no speed limit signs on most of the roads. If you feel you have been harrassed by the policia or federales, get their name ("nombre") and badge number ("numeral") and report them to the U.S. Consulate. Mexico can't afford to retain that outlaw policia image. Rocky Point WeatherThe temperature is usually 75 degrees (F). The evenings may be cool- into the 50-60s. Bring a sweater or jacket. The ocean temperature averages 70-75 degrees. While rain is rare, bring rain gear if it is expected. Items to Bring on Your TripKeep your identification with you at all times. As of 2008, U.S. citizens may be required to have a U.S. passport to re-enter the United States. U.S. cell phone services may not work in Mexico. Roaming charges and extended charges may apply if you do have cell service. Check with your cell phone provider for coverage in Puerto Peñasco, especially road coverage for the drive through Mexico. Phone calls can be made through the resort's phone systems, but international and hotel charges will apply. Drinking Water: Rocky Point restaurants and resorts use purified bottled water for drinks, ice cubes and cooking. Many of the resorts and hotels provide bottled water to guests- be sure to ask beforehand. After you make your reservations online, call the 1-800 numbers of the hotel to inquire about bottled watter (Is there a charge? How many provided?). If they don't provide enough, bring water with you. Be sure to hydrate with plenty of water of you are drinking plenty of beer and alcohol. Alcohol: Purchasing alcohol before you enter Mexico is cheaper than paying $2.50 for a Corona, Tecate or Modelo if you want to drink in your rooms. Although there is a Circle K nearby (not walking distance), it's cheaper to stock up in the U.S. Excessive consumption can be dangerous. Mexican police do arrest people who are drunk and disorderly. Anyone 16 years of age or older is tried as an adult. The Duty Free store at the Lukeville port (to the right of the international crossing) will save 20-30% or more from taxes. The only drawback- you can only bring back up to 1 litre of alcohol per person per 31 days. Most people stock up on the way down (no limit) and finish their load in Rocky Point. After crossing the U.S. border, park at the Duty Free Shop lot. Make your 1 litre purcahse. Take the pedestrian crossing into Mexico. Walk across the street to the U.S. pedestrian entry. Show your ID and declaire your booze. Get back in your car and head home. Meds: Bring medications in the original prescription bottle and the original prescription, if available. Carry emergency contact information in your wallet (or inside your shoes). If you are injured, this will be the best way to help you. Rocky Point Hotels and ReservationsRocky Point Spring Break Web SItes:Rocky Point Maps: View Google Map of Rocky Point. Zoom down near street level to see roads and buildings Puerto Penasco Mexico Online events & news in Puerto Penasco Passport Information: Spring Break advice from the U.S. Gov spring_break_mexico/spring_break_mexico_2812.html Effective January 23, 2007, ALL persons, including U.S. citizens, traveling by air to the United States from Mexico, Canada, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda will be required to present a valid passport, (or if applicable, an Alien Registration Card, form I-551, Air NEXUS card, or U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Document), to enter or re-enter the United States. American citizens can visit or call 1-877-4USA-PPT (1-877-487-2778) for information on applying for a U.S. passport. More Rocky Point and Mexico Travel Tips...Mexico Entertainment Magazine | Entertainment Magazine Home Page© 2007 / Entertainment Magazine On Line / AZentertain. All rights reserved. |
Rocky Point Entertainment MagazineRocky Point:
2008 Spring Break Travel to MexicoTravelocity: Make it to Mexico! Flight + Hotel as low as $527Car Rentals in Rocky Point