Entertainment Magazine: Free Movies: FAQ: Public domain Why public domain movies are freeThe movies available on our web site are free to watch. Many of them are free to download. Once they are downloaded, they are freely available to own, copy and distribute. This is because these free movies are in the public domain. When a movie is in the public domain, the copyright on the films has expired or the films are contributed to the public for viewing without charge or royalties by the owner. A creative work is in the public domain if there are no laws which restrict its use by the public at large. For instance, a work may be in the public domain if no laws establish proprietary rights (ownership) over the work, or if the work or its subject matter are specifically excluded from existing laws. Movies that are available to watch and download on our site are only public domain material and linked from public domain sources. EMOL.org does not serve any movie content directly. When a document or media file is in the public domain, then anyone can obtain a free copy. Movies in the public domain can be edited, mashed into other movie productions, burned onto CDs and DVDs, and freely distributed to the public.
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