Entertainment Magazine: Cody Days

Cody Days Oracle

The First Annual 2016 Buffalo Bill Cody Days in Oracle

An Honor to the World Famous "Buffalo Bill" Cody, Who Helped Oracle, Arizona Grow

Cody Days 2016

Photos: Dane Johnson celebrating Buffalo Bill Cody's 170th birthday during the 2016 Cody Days in Oracle, Arizona.

Dane Johnson Buffalo Bill Cody look a like 2016

The first annual Buffalo Bill Cody Days in Oracle, Arizona was held on Friday, February 26 and Saturday, February 27, 2016. Events took place at the Oracle Inn Steakhouse to celebrate iconic entertainer and miner William “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s 170th birthday. Two days of free entertainment, family activities, movies and treasure hunts in late February brought over 100 people to Oracle over the weekend.

COdy DaysDane Johnson, national Buffalo Bill Look-a-Like winne (right), shared his knowledge of Cody and provided an exclusive, personal, Cody presentation on Saturday.

Photo: Flint Carter, founder of Cody Days, (left) and Dane Johnson.

On Friday, local prospector William “Flint” Carter unveiled his new book, “Canyon of Gold, Buffalo Bill Cody and the Legendary Iron Door Mine Treasure.”

Cody Days 2016

Flint Carter (above) presents door prize of free pieces during the jewelry give-a-way won over the weekend. One was won by Betty Pickart, great-great neice of Annie Oakley. The jewelry, donated by Flint, is made from the gold and silver from Buffalo Bill’s mine in the Catalinas. Also, Free classic Buffalo Bill movies were shown throughout the two day event.

Cody Days Don Larry

On Saturday, Don Larry, of the Territorial Brass Band, presented “Cody as Arizona Senator?” Free birthday cake, compliments of Oracle Inn, was provided after the talk.

Cody Days 2016

Dan Johnson giving his unique presentation as WIlliam F. Cody.

Buffalo Bill Cody owned several mines in the Santa Catalina Mountains, near Oracle, during the last decades of his life. The Campo Bonito mines produced gold and tungsten. Cody would spend many winters in Oracle managing his mines.

Flint is already planning the next Oracle Cody Days. For more information or an interest to be involved, contact Cody Days organizer and founder Flint Carter at 520-289-4566 or email flintcartergold@gmail.com.

Prize Awards donated by Flint Carter

Codystone Flint Carter

On display at the Oracle Inn

$10,000 worth of Codystone jewelry were given away as prizes for events during Oracle Cody Days. Codystone comes from Buffalo Bill's mines near Oracle. This is 100% natural gold and silver so rich you can clearly see it in the stones- extremely rare and valuable - compliments of Celebrity Stones.

Flint Carter talks about the local legends

Flint CarterPhoto: This 23 lb. nugget is the finest specimen from Buffalo Bill Cody's mine near Oracle, Arizona. From established sales this rock is valued over $1/4 million.

Flint's efforts are on display in ten museums and the Mining Hall of Fame.

For decades, Carter has been the owner of the richest gold and silver mines on the Santa Catalina Mountains near Tucson, Arizona. It has been almost 40 years now, and the body of work he offers is huge to say the least. It covers hundreds of years of history puts the gold and silver of the legends in your hands as a testament to our mountains' beauty and incredible wealth.

Cody Stone, gold and silver in quartzFlint Carter describes the history and stories of the Southwest, Iron Door Mine, mining for gold and other ores around Tucson and Southern AZ. and many other historical topics and legends. Carter showcases his art, jewelry and artifacts in public and private presentations.

Flint's private collection is on display at the Oracle Inn in Oracle, Arizona. Call 520-289-4566 to speak with Flint about his collection andspeaking engagements.

Photo: Tucson's Cody Stone Jewelry manufactured by Orlando Jewelers of England.The Iron Door Mine.

The only authentic source of Cody Stone from Buffalo Bill Cody's own mines with certification from the Flint Carter Collection

Cody Stone, gold and silver in quartzFirst popularized by Tiffany's during the California Gold Rush, Cody Stone is a little known- and now extremely rare- commodity.

It is the most expensive gold and silver in the world that sells by carat weight values. Cody Stone is on display in museums worldwide and the Mining Hall of Fame and Gem Institute of America.

The specimen, on loan to the University of Arizona MIneral Museum, was independently graded at 38 out of 40 and is considered one of the finest 100% natural gold and silver specimens in the world.

The result of a search for the West's largest gold legend and the world's largest land treasure portrayed in four major motion pictures over six decades, this golden legend refuses to die and continues to grow with substantial golden values.

Cody Stone Jewelry by Fint Carter"Jewel of the Catalinas"

FOR SALE: 3-band wrist bracelet of jewelry grade gold and silver embedded in quartz from the Santa Catalina Mountains. $9,500.

For more information on this and other exquisite pieces, contact Flint Carter at 520-289-4566 or email finder@emol.org.

Now Available on Amazon: Flint Carter's  The Canyon of Gold, Buffalo Bill Cody, and the Legendary Iron Door Mine Treasure: The Santa Catalina Mountains Story

Flint Carter"Gold still glitters in the ground, hiding secret like a laughing clown."

- from "Gold Town" by Joseph Michael Darwin.

Left: "Prospector" original art work by Flint Carter. 5" x 7" original. Call 520-289-4566 to order. See more Flint original art.

The Miner's Story Project

Flint CarterThe Miners’ Story Project preserves and shares stories about life in the mines and mining communities in the Southwest US. William "Flint" Carter provides his recollections of the history and stories of the Santa Catalina Mountains.

Read more about the Miner's Story Project. The Miner's Story CD is a two and a half hour recording of the mine with the iron door by Flint Carter. $19.95. Call Flint at 520-289-4566.

Ballads of the Santa CatalinasFlint Carter

The original songs and ballads about the Iron Door Mine, the Santa Catalina Mountains, the Old West and about Flint Carter on CD. $9.95.

These songs were written and professionaly performed in a studio by Gary Holdcroft specifically about Flint's adventures and the legends of the Catalinas.

Call 520-289-4566 for more information and to purchase directly.

Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains

Written by Robert Zucker with
collaboration from Flint Carter

A large collection of the legends and history of the Catalinas. Learn the story of the Iron Door Mine, the Lost Mission and the Lost City. Hundreds of pages cover hundreds of years in the search for gold, silver and copper. Was there a Lost Escalante Mine or Mine wth the Iron Door? Who started the legends? Is there still gold in the mountains?

Explore the Santa Catalina Mountains in a way you never seen them before. Read free chapter samples of "Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains."

Available on amazon.com.
Print: Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains

Kindle: Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains: Unraveling the Legends and HistoryFlint Carter

Iron Door Mine Land for Sale

Silver & Gold Mine, Tucson, AZ. Mine, jewelry grade gold, silver & silica ore in place, carat weight returns, historic property sold for $50,000 in 1915, outlets established for product now in museums worldwide. Land on Federal lease. Mineral rights only for sale. 20 acres (871200 square ft. Unsubdivided) Pima County, AZ. Contact Flint Carter at 520-289-4566 or email: finder@emol.org