Entertainment Magazine: Cody Days 2017 Buffalo Bill Cody Days in OracleThe 2nd Honor to the World Famous "Buffalo Bill" Cody, Who Helped Oracle GrowWatch Cody Days 2017 Video
2nd Annual Buffalo Bill Cody Days: February 25 & 26, 2017The 2nd Cody Days in Oracle honored the 171st birthday and the 100th anniversary of the passing of William "Buffalo Bill" Cody– the great 20th century entertainer and Oracle, Arizona mine owner. Cody Days in Oracle was held on Saturday and Sunday, February 25 & 26, 2017 at the Oracle Inn in Oracle, north of Tucson. Dane Johnson, a national Buffalo Bill Cody look alike gave an outstanding animated performance of Cody’s adventure filled life. Don Larry presented an interesting slide show on Cody's residency in Arizona and his consideration as one of Arizona's first senators. Authors of local books, Robert Zucker ("Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains") and Flint Carter ("The Canyon of Gold") provided interesting details about Cody's life in Oracle. Zucker's talk focused on the Iron Door Mine and Buffalo Bill Cody. Plans for a new education exhibit and museum were revealed by Font Carter. A Treasure hunt for kids was held on Sunday, with antique coins donated by Tucson Coin and Autograph, jewelry made from the gold and silver from Buffalo Bill Cody's mines in the Santa Catalinas will be door prizes and awarded for best contributions to the preservation of the local legend. One of the winners of the 2017 Jewelry Give-a-way, courtesy of Flint Carter, was Frank Vranick who won a square ring and bracelet. Frank was the largest contributor to the 2017 Cody Days. Cody Days is founded by Flint Carter, president of the Santa Catalina Historic Preservation, part of a non-profit 503c organization. All donations are tax deductible. Cody owned several mines in the Santa Catalina Mountains, near Oracle, during the last decades of his life. The Campo Bonito mines produced tungsten and gold. Cody would spend many winters in Oracle managing his mines. Discover more about this forgotten part of Arizona’s history and get the opportunity to own some of this exquisite jewelry and purchase books about the Santa Catalina Mountains and jewelry mined from the hills by Flint Carter. Saturday, February 25, 2017 • 1:00-5:00PM
Each day at 4:00PM, there is a drawing for three pieces of signed jewelry by Flint Carter, exclusively from the gold and silver at Buffalo Bill’s mines in the Catalinas, with a numbered certificate of authenticity. (Must sign up at Oracle Inn before drawing and be present to win). Sunday, February 26, 2017 • 1:00-5:00PM
For more information, interviews and press coverage, please contact Cody Days founder, Flint Carter at 520-289-4566 or email flintcartergold@gmail.com or Robert Zucker, Entertainment Magazine, 520-623-3733 or email publisher@emol.org See Silver and Gold Jewlery from the Santa Catalina MountainsRead more about the Iron Door MineTreasures of the Santa Catalina MountainsTucson Gem Show | Tucson HomePrize Awards donated by Flint CarterNow on display at the Oracle Inn$10,000 worth of Codystone jewelry were given away as prizes for events during Oracle Cody Days. Codystone comes from Buffalo Bill's mines near Oracle. This is 100% natural gold and silver so rich you can clearly see it in the stones- extremely rare and valuable - compliments of Celebrity Stones. Flint Carter talks about the local legends
Flint's efforts are on display in ten museums and the Mining Hall of Fame. For decades, Carter has been the owner of the richest gold and silver mines on the Santa Catalina Mountains near Tucson, Arizona. It has been almost 40 years now, and the body of work he offers is huge to say the least. It covers hundreds of years of history puts the gold and silver of the legends in your hands as a testament to our mountains' beauty and incredible wealth.
Flint's private collection is on display at the Oracle Inn in Oracle, Arizona. Call 520-289-4566 to speak with Flint about his collection andspeaking engagements. Photo: Tucson's Cody Stone Jewelry manufactured by Orlando Jewelers of England.The Iron Door Mine.The only authentic source of Cody Stone from Buffalo Bill Cody's own mines with certification from the Flint Carter Collection
It is the most expensive gold and silver in the world that sells by carat weight values. Cody Stone is on display in museums worldwide and the Mining Hall of Fame and Gem Institute of America. The specimen, on loan to the University of Arizona MIneral Museum, was independently graded at 38 out of 40 and is considered one of the finest 100% natural gold and silver specimens in the world. The result of a search for the West's largest gold legend and the world's largest land treasure portrayed in four major motion pictures over six decades, this golden legend refuses to die and continues to grow with substantial golden values.